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{ 3 weeks later }

The media hype for the trial had helped to accelerate it through the court system, a date being announced a few weeks earlier. Keith had been mentally preparing and Lance had since calmed down from the ruckus at Allura's house. They'd edited the majority of the footage from everything thus far, being left with three 1 hour episodes, and Keith knew they would most likely have a total of five after the trial was set and done.

This day was the most important of all the days, the main reason for that being that they were set to be in court, set to face James and fight against whatever the defense's argument would be.

Keith was in the middle of straightening his red necktie in the mirror when Lance came up behind him and held his shoulders.

" You're going to be alright... I promise."

Keith thought about everything that he and Kinkade had gone over in regards to the story and the specifics James had done. He knew that he would have to keep himself pulled together on the stand, just as the lawyer had told him, but he prayed that it was possible. If he broke down in tears, the jury wouldn't have been able to understand him. Yet... if he shed a couple tears, the effect would've been there. He prayed it wouldn't go too far.

" I hope so..." Keith whispered and leaned back against Lance, letting the alpha's arms wrap around him from behind and his chin rest on his shoulder. There were so many things running through his mind at that moment, and he couldn't decide which ones to focus on, so he figured that he should've just cleared it, cleared his mind and relaxed.

" Everyone is going to be there. Pidge, Shiro, Matt, Hunk, Romelle..." Lance assured, leaving out Lotor's name because he still didn't like him much. 

" I know... just... seeing him again is going to be hard for me." Keith confessed. He couldn't help but be confronted by the fact that he hadn't told Lance everything. He'd been hiding it for weeks as they finished the first leg of filming... but it was taking a toll on him.

As they were about ready to go, Lance went out the door, and Keith finally found that he'd reached a breaking point. He grabbed Lance's hand, pulling him back through the doorway. There was no way that he could've told Lance after they picked up the others... and if Lance found it out while he was on the stand somehow, Keith would've never forgiven himself. Lance deserved better than to find out about it like that.

" What is it?" Lance asked.

Keith gulped and looked up at him, taking in his formal suit and tie and how he'd gotten ready to be seen by everyone. He looked into Lance's ocean eyes and thought about how good the alpha had been to him over the time they'd been together, and in doing that, he felt like even more of an asshole.

" There's... something... you should know. Before we get to the trial, I mean." The omega stammered and ran his thumb over the top of Lance's hand. He wanted to tell him as gently as possible, as not to have him get all emotional right before they were set to leave.

Lance raised a brow and shut the door, not sure what to make of this. It wasn't often that he heard Keith get like that and it was somewhat troubling if he was being honest.

" KitKat... you're scaring me." He said.

Keith looked down at the floor and he squeezed Lance's hand to calm himself.

" You know... on one of our first few dates. You asked me about my tattoo?" Keith began.

" Yeah?" Lance said. He thought about the semicolon on Keith's wrist and how he'd said it was because life wasn't over. He'd never pressed him any further about what it meant or the significance, mainly because he figured if it was something Keith wanted him to know, he would've told him.

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