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{ Just a reminder that I love you guys and Klance is canon king. Thank you. That is all }

" So that's how you're going to show up?" Keith asked Lance, poking his head into their shared bathroom. Their en-suite was huge and he saw no reason why it would be an issue.

" Of course, Princess." Lance looked over to Keith. He was wearing some of his boyfriend's merch, which read, Mothman is Real on the front of it.

Keith blushed and chuckled to himself.

" Alright... doesn't that mean I should be wearing some of yours then?" He asked, and Lance took a second to think about it. They definitely had options.

" A lot of my merch is kind of lame... but I mean... you could wear one of the shirts with my face on it?" Lance suggested.

Keith shook his head.

" I'm sure it's not that bad." He waltzed over to Lance's closet and went in, finding the shirt in multiple sizes and picking the smallest one, which was definitely going to be tight. It was white with literally just a picture of Lance eating something and looking like a weirdo, but whatever. He also grabbed Lance's green jacket and put it on for moral support, then walked out.

Lance looked at him again when Keith re-appeared in the doorway.

" I guess I'll never know how you manage to make anything look amazing..." He smiled, making Keith blush even more.

" Sure." The omega replied, coming further into the room and wrapping his arms around Lance, who was standing in front of the mirror.

" Let's just hope this goes well..." Lance sighed. " We've done everything we can... but... I don't know. I'm still scared that people will fight."

" We can't control everyone. But they can't say we didn't try to do something..." Keith assured him and leaned his head against Lance's back as he embraced him. He already felt ten times warmer being so close to him.

" I guess..." Lance replied quietly. He was just grateful that Hunk, Pidge, and especially Shiro and Matt were helping with this. And of course Romelle and Lotor would be there, but that wouldn't be the reason more people showed up.

What with Hunk and Shay's cooking class scheduled to entertain the people and Pidge's video game competition with willing participants from the crowd, and Lance as the final boss, things were bound to be interesting. Shiro would also be giving a life update and doing a Q&A about his and Matt's life as a couple, all the while drinking tea and doing Matt's makeup for the people.

And Keith? Well... Keith would most likely be subject to many questions during their panel. He knew that they'd want to know what was next for his channel and how he felt about the James situation and that it was inevitable, yet... he knew it was about all he could handle right then. He didn't have anything specialized at the event because he knew he wouldn't have had his heart in it, unless it entailed being cute with Lance in public, cause he was already planning on it.

After they were ready, Lance and Keith were pulling out of the neighborhood. However, this time, Lance wasn't the one driving. They had been picked up by one of Shiro's security team members and had a practical motorcade to transport them to the venue. When they arrived, they were already being viewed by fans.

Keith waved and smiled, as did Lance, and then they took each other's hands, being escorted through the double doors by guards. No one else besides the creators and workers were allowed in yet.

Keith smelled popcorn and other snacks on the way in already, smiling more so. He loved that things were already coming together. And the auditorium-like space where the stage was greeted them soon enough, along with a huge purple banner that read "Klancecon" at the top.

Second Chance {Klance YouTuber/Omegaverse}Where stories live. Discover now