20 // yoongi

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"Are you sure I look ok?" Hobi asks for the hundredth time, fixing his hair in my car mirror. He's been ecstatic ever since I told him we're going to Taehyung's house.

"You look fine," Joon groans, rolling his eyes.

In the past hour I've spent with Namjoon we've already become pretty good friends. I revealed my secret identity to him without even thinking about it. Thankfully, he has no clue who "Suga" is and knows nothing about romance novels. He seems like the type who would read textbooks for fun, if I'm honest.

He told me about how he likes to produce music and some of the songs he plays at mono are his originals. I used to want to become a rapper when I was young. I loved writing lyrics, but my parents thought that if I chose to take that path I would be throwing away my life. They weren't too fond of me being author either. At least not until I got successful.

Namjoon and I decide to try writing a song sometime, just for fun. I wonder if writing lyrics will come as easily to me as it did all those years ago.

As we pull up at the address Jimin sent me, I notice it's a pretty big house.

"He's rich too?!" Hobi cries out. "Damn straight men."

Me and Namjoon look at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Let's go," I say, gathering the nervous boy into arms and pulling him towards the door.

"Hello," Jimin greets us with a dazzling smile that makes my heart melt.

I quickly let go of Hobi and reach for Jimin instead, pressing a quick kiss to his lips making him turn bright red.

"Aww," Hobi coos behind me. "I'm guessing this is Jimin."

Jimin nods shyly, while I keep my arm around his waist.

"Hellooo I'm your hope, Hobi!" he says excitedly.

"I'm Namjoon," Joon waves. "Nice to see you again Jimin-ah."

"Nice to meet you all and good to see you again hyung," Jimin says politely after recovering from my sudden flash of affection. "C'mon on in!"

He leads us into the living room and introduces us to his friends.

"This is my best friend Taehyung," he says referring to the lump of blankets on the couch.

"Where," I stifle a laugh, seeing Hobi's confused face.

"Tae," Jimin shouts. I look at him surprised, having never heard him raise his voice before. "Get up!"

"Yah!" Tae yells, falling off the couch.

His hair is messy and his loose black shirt is falling off one of his shoulders and I have to admit he looks good. At least better than anyone I've ever seen waking up from a nap. Hoseok is practically eye fucking him.

Tae quickly gets up seeing us and gives us an awkward wave. "Hi, I'm Tae."

"Holy frick who is this gorgeous man standing in my living room?!" An extremely handsome skinny black haired man stops in the hallway with his jaw hanging open.

The three of us look at him confused, unsure of who he's referring to.

He walks over and pats Namjoon's chest. "I call dibs on this one."

Joon blushes a deep red, flustered by the man's confidence. From what Jimin's told me I can safely guess that this is Seokjin. And what's with everybody being so damn hot?! I thought I was attractive but standing in this room I feel like a literal potato.

Jimin quickly introduces us.

"Ahh so this is the Yoongi I've heard so much about," Seokjin says somewhat like a mother. 

"Hyung you literally just found out about him an hour ago," Taehyung laughs.

Jin pouts at Tae's words and retreats back to his kitchen, but not before letting his eyes wander down Namjoon one more time. "Dinner is almost ready."

Once he's gone, Joon turns to me and Hoseok, still red as a tomato with wide eyes. "I think I just saw God. And he spoke to me?!"

Jimin and Taehyung overhear and giggle.

"Get him while you can hyung. People that gorgeous don't wait around," Jimin smiles.

"Everybody always talks about Jin," Tae rolls his eyes. "I'm better looking than him, why can't people see that. Ya'll are blind, I swear."

"You are," Hobi says with a smooth smirk that efficiently brings Taehyung's focus on him for the first time tonight. 

This is going to be an interesting night...


Sorry for not updating in a while! Here's the chapter I promised :)

So I went to the women's march yesterday and it was so much funn! This was my sign :)

So I went to the women's march yesterday and it was so much funn! This was my sign :)

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