28 // jimin

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Yoongi hasn't responded to any of my texts in 49 hours. I know he's seen them. Yeah, maybe I'm being too clingy, but wouldn't you if you finally got a glimpse at true happiness? I'm worried I did something wrong.

I sit on my couch and run through everything I said to him the last time we saw each other. It was just a normal day- we cuddled in his bed, made lunch, made out, and then I went home.

Maybe he's over me. Maybe he met someone better.

No, that can't be. I push the horrible thought out of my head. I'm falling for him too hard to be thinking about things like that.

I decide to text him instead of overthinking. That's the healthy thing to do I guess.

I miss u

I stare at it for a good 5 minutes but ultimately decide that I won't get a response.

I sigh and lay back on my couch trying to fight back the unnecessary tears.

"Stop being so dramatic," I say to myself out loud.

Maybe it's just because I only had to work part time today. I have nothing to do and it's driving me insane. I know he's busy. I mean he's a renowned author, of course he's busy.

I look back down to see that my message has been read but those 3 dots never popped up. And that's when the tears start falling.

I scream out in frustration. More towards myself than Yoongi. Why do I have to be so sensitive? Why do I have to cry over little things and get so upset? 

He probably doesn't like me anymore. Why would he? He's a rich and famous author, I'm just clingy sad little Jimin. I started to get chubby again. He said he liked it, but I think he was lying. I've started talking more. He said he likes my voice, but I think he was just trying to be nice. He said he's falling for me, but I think he's mistaken.

In my emotional haze, I start typing.

I'm sorry for whatever I did. I usually mess things up anyways so I kinda expected this anyways. I guess I'll just get out of your way. You'll be happier without me.

I let my phone drop onto the carpet and continue crying into my couch pillows until I fall asleep.

- - -

I wake up to someone repeatedly pressing my doorbell. I drag myself up, feeling disgusting.

I open the door to see Yoongi standing there and I almost start crying all over again. Almost.

"Baby," he looks at my with worry when he sees my disheveled hair and puffy eyes.

He pulls me into his arms, letting the door shut behind him. "You did absolutely nothing wrong and I'm not leaving you. Ever. You understand?"

"Then why didn't you respond? And why randomly show up at my house at-" I glace up at the clock. "3 in the morning."

He sighs, leaning his forehead against mine. "My deadline got pushed forward Minnie. I need to finish my book in 2 months."

And suddenly it all makes sense. "Why didn't you just tell me?!"

"I'm sorry, I should have. I couldn't bring myself to tell you that I would have to see you less."

"I would have understood," I say, disappointed that he's been hiding this.

"I know- it's just, stuff from the past," he lays his head down against my shoulder.

All my hurt turns into concern when I hear the way his voice turns faint. It's something I've never heard before. "You wanna talk about it? I'll listen."

He nods.

"Go sit down and make yourself warm. I'll make you some tea. You're spending the night here, I don't want you driving at this hour."

He smiles a little at my sudden mood change, but follows my instructions.

I come back to him with two mugs of honey tea. I sit down next to him with my legs across his lap.

He absentmindedly draws patterns against my thigh while staring into space.

"Yoongi?" I prompt.

"My ex-boyfriend," he says quietly. "We dated when I was a senior in college. He was a freshman. After I graduated, my first novel started to get really popular. I couldn't spend time with him and he left me. He broke up with me over the phone and I never saw him again."

He says it quickly with a straight face as if the thought was too painful to bear.

"I'm sorry Yoongi," I say, pulling him against me so his head is on my chest. "That's so messed up."

"No it wasn't his fault," Yoongi shakes his head. "I was the one that stopped paying attention to him. I got so busy and I put my career over him. I always thought we would get married and grow old together. I loved him so much and I fucked it all up."

I frown, brushing my fingers through his soft brown hair. I have to be honest, hearing him talk about another guy like this made my jealously flare. What if he was better?

"He should have been supportive regardless." I say, wanting to see my gummy smiley Yoongi again.

"I loved him so much. And then it was all gone."

"D-do you still?" I ask, slightly afraid of his answer.  

"No, I got over him a while ago. I'm just afraid of making the same mistakes," he says. "I would never forgive myself if I lost you."

He has tears in his eyes. Min Yoongi. Has tears. I guess he does have a vulnerable side.

"You won't," I say with full confidence, kissing them away. "It's ok if you'll be busy. I'm here to support you all the way."

Yoongi snuggles him head against my chest and doesn't say anything else. His eyes start to droop closed.

"Let's go to bed," I say, squeezing his hand.

I can't believe I ever thought this precious man would try to hurt me like that.

He nods sleepily and lets me pull him up. He leans on me all the way to my bedroom and collapses onto my bed with soft snores. I smile and curl up next to him.

Nothing will get between us. I've never been more sure of anything.


Shits about to go down in the next couple chapters so watch out !!

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