32 // jimin

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I can't help but notice the way Yoongi clung onto me last night. It's rare that we end up getting to spend the night together and even when we do, he likes to have space when he sleeps. It never bothered me much, we cuddle enough while he's awake to satisfy me.

But last night, he kept his head tucked in the crook of my neck and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as if I might disappear. I think he was crying at one point. I could feels his uneven breaths hitting my neck late into night as he shifted around in clear discomfort, but he refused to let go of me.

I run my hand through my hair as I try to put my focus back on making coffee for the nice couple that just walked in. I'm working the cafe myself since Tae has a later shift.

I wish I could make Yoongi feel better somehow- he's tearing himself up over nothing. I mean of course I'm a little hurt that he kissed Hoseok but it was just an accident. I feel my worry lift a little when I see Hoseok himself walk through the door with Tae next to him. The pair laughed loudly as they entered the cafe.

"Hey Chimmy," Hoseok smiles when he sees me. "Everything ok?  Yoongi said that he told you."

"Yeah I'm fine, I don't see why he's beating himself up of it," I sigh. "It was just an accident."

Hobi looks confused. "An accident?"

My head snaps up. "It was an accident right-?"

"Of course," he says quickly. A little too quickly.

I look at Tae for help, but he doesn't seem to know what's going on.

"Hyung, you wouldn't lie to me right. You would tell me if- if something happened right?" I ask, feeling anxiety rising up in.

Last night would make a lot more sense if Yoongi had lied. But he wouldn't do that right? He wouldn't kiss Hoseok on purpose, not when we're so perfect for each other.

"I- of course I would, Jimin," Hobi replies. "It was just an accident. You're all Yoongi cares about."

That statement immediately brings my smile back. "Really?"

Hobi laughs. "Yeah, when he's not working he's basically always talking about you. Oh Jimin did this. Jimin said that. Jimin is so cute. I'm sick of it."

I giggle, feeling a blush rising to my cheeks. I quickly take their orders and send them to a table, seeing a line beginning to form behind them. 

I really need to stop doubting Yoongi when he's showed me nothing but love and care. The rest of my day goes by worry-free. I find myself staring at the clock, counting down the time before I get to be with him again.

When Tae comes into the kitchen for his shift I can't help but overhear his conversation with Hoseok. 

"Don't miss me too much," Tae laughs.

"Can't promise that," Hobi smiles brightly. "I'll come pick you up after."

"Can I spend the night again?" Taehyung says sounding more excited than I've heard him in a while.

I almost spit out the water I was drinking.

"Of course baby," Hobi grins, reaching out ruffle Tae's hair.

As soon as he leaves, I whisper yell, "What the fuck was that?"

Tae jumps back in surprise before a blush rises over his cheeks. "What was what?"

"You and hyung flirting??" I say beyond confused.

He laughs. "We're not flirting Jimin. Hobi hyung is just like that."

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