Is It True?

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"Once upon a time we were inseparable--two of a kind.

Playing with our Littlest Pet Shops or pretending we were sisters because we wanted something more than to pass the time.

We had no principals, no set of mind.

We were not scared of what life offered us because we had each others' backs.

Everyday was the same, everything was relaxed.

Watching horror films and talking about our futures as if it were the past.

But then, the time came when we no longer had to fake our adulthood.

Instead, we were merged into the prementated stories that faded into our jaw-dropping disappointments of reality.

And as this time came by I found myself questioning the same:

Did you leave me or did I leave you?

Did I not try hard enough or was I not worth enough?

Did I show you a side of me that you hated, did I say something that you couldn't look beside?

Was it really my fault or was it you that made the decision to look me in the eye and brush away the decay?

Is it true?

Did I appear too conceited, did I overly control things, did I give you a sense of heated instability?

Did I yell too much? Cried too much? Dug out a hole for me to die too much?

Was I not worth your time anymore?

If so, then why was she?

She was a witch compared to a queen,

Thought that you were her underling:

Her servant that she had the right to order around and say "Fetch me a drink" in your own palace.

I just don't understand why you still love her after all of this damage!

I remember you clearly begging to me to make her go away, that you were ready to let her go after years of heartaches.

And I'll admit I was envious towards the fact that she was so close to you but at that point, I didn't even know you.

You changed so much, and I still can't say if it was better or worse: the person you've become.

You no longer know how to keep your mouth sealed when I tell you a secret.

And of course I don't expect you to know how to keep a secret but don't you understand that the things I tell you are sacred?

Emotions that even my parents aren't aware of.

My fears that they would brush off.

The times where I felt lost.

Is it bad that I didn't know how to tell you my feelings?

Is it bad that at that point I couldn't trust you with my inner insanity?

Is it true?

Did you leave me or did I leave you?"

- Novice_Key

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