Chapter 2

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I woke up, still sleepy but ready! It was the last day of junior high for me and Izuku! Why am I in the same class as my one year older brother? Because I am smart! After the age of four, I started to ace my tests and everything was getting really easy. They had to bump me up a grade so I could get a challenge. This happened because I had manifested a quirk called enhanced intelligence. It's not that powerful because I only went up one grade, but at least it got me in the same class as my brother!

I go to my brothers room and start trying to wake him up.

"Wake up Onii-chan!" I yell.

He opens his eyes.

"Good morning y/n."

"I'm ready, now get up!" I yell.

I go to make onii-chan and I breakfast.

"I'm ready now y/n!" Izuku says.

"Okay onii-chan I'm making breakfast."Izuku gave a look and said, "No need, let's go."

"Okay then let's go, but first let's say goodbye to mom." I say.

"Bye mom!" We yell at the same time.

She came over, gave us a kiss on the forehead, and said to have a good day at school.

"Are you ready onii-chan" I ask.

"Yes... " He replied.

I was about to teleport us both to class. Onii-chan doesn't like to get teleported around because it gives him a headache. I am known to have two quirks, teleportation and enhanced intelligence. What no one knows is that I have one more. This quirk is called soul keeper. I can pull souls out of people's body and keep them (or destroy them). I am able to get multiple, but I have never done that before and never will do that.

I teleport us both to our classroom and immediately onii-chan gets a headache.

"Ah first again!" Says the teacher I smile and carry on with my day.

Last period

"Soooooo as third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about you futures and what you want to do with your lives." Said the teacher, "I could pass out some career aptitude tests but... Why bother! I know you all want to go into the hero track!"

Everyone started yelling and showing off their quirks except my poor brother. All he could do was raise his hand miserably. The teacher kept going on until Bakugo interrupted and insulted everyone else. He talked about how he was going to UA because it was 'only right for him'. The teacher called him out on how he wasn't the only one going to UA and how the two Midoriya's were also.


I knew he was lying to himself. It's just something I can do having the soul keeper quirk. I know when a person is lying, what they are feeling, and there personality, basically, I know their soul. Kacchan knew he couldn't beat me if he tried, but he's too scared to do that anyways.

He stopped talking about me and started insulting onii-chan. I was not going to let Kacchan bully my brother. My eyes started glowing and I looked straight at Kacchan, making sure only him and onii-chan could see it. His heart skipped a beat. I could feel it in his soul. A sweat trickled down his face. He stopped, and went back to his seat. People were confused why he wasn't continuing the show, but I smiled brightly.

Onii-chan and I went back to our house while chatting. We were having a nice conversation until a humongous green glob villain had arrived.

"Which one of you shall I take... " He said, "You will be perfect!"

He went over to grab onii-chan.

"NOOO!!!" I screamed.

I teleported right in front of onii-chan, blocking the villain away with my arms.

"Y/N!!!" Izuku yelled.

"Ohhhhh we have a teleporter!"Said the villain, "You will be an interesting catch!"

He snatched me up and suffocated me with he liquidy body. I teleported right out.

"You saw me teleport didn't you?! Did you think I was just going to let myself die?!" I yell.

He grabbed onii-chan when I was distracted and started suffocating him instead.

"Oh, I knew you were going to escape." He snickered

"Mmmnmnnn" Onii-chan struggled.

I saw my big brother trying to gasp for air but of course that wasn't doing anything. He wasn't going to just kill my brother right before me! I had to think of something! The same idea kept popping in my head and I tried to avoid it. I couldn't think any longer! If I did, my brother would be dead. My eyes started glowing and you could see that the villain was shocked. I ripped his soul out of his body and threw it on the ground.

His liquid body was scattered and onii-chan had still not gotten up. He was lying on the ground passed out. I picked him up and kissed him on the head.

"Well I guess you were able to do it without my help!" Said a voice behind me.

I turn around to see All might! I am not as big as a fan of him as my brother is, but that does not mean when I saw All might I wasn't fangirling!

"OH MY GOD!!! You are amazing! My brother loves you! To bad he's passed out." I kept on rambling.

"Okay well I have to leave. You have an amazing quirk that could be fit for a hero!Bye!" He said while preparing to take off.

"WAIT!" I yelled, "You can' leave yet. Not until my brother wakes up." All might said okay.

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