Chapter 7

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All I could do was cry

Crying wasn't going to make me to teleport

Crying wasn't going to get me out of his grip


I was useless.



We walked somewhere and instantly I felt somewhere else. I had felt this feeling enough times to know that we teleported. Where? I don't know.

All I could see was black. The color of the cloth that was imprisoning my eyes.

"Oh don't cry," Said the man "We are here!"

He sat me down in a chair and handcuffed me. He also chained my one foot and didn't bother to refrain my knee stump. He then took of the tape on my mouth so I could talk.

"Just in case you were wondering you still can't teleport!" He said while leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

What happened? Did I get kidnapped? Did he leave me here alone?


I got startled by his deep voice and sounded appearance that I let out a short "eep!".

"Sorry" The deep voice said with no empathy at all "I am going to ask you Six questions. The first one is What is your name? Also What is your quirk? The third one is Do you know anybody with two or more quirks? I'll say the fourth, fifth, and sixth ones after you answer these questions. I have a lie dector quirk too so don't even think about lying either."

"Ok..Okay... " I say a little frightened and trembly, but then I picked myself up to show no fear. "My name is Midoriya Y/n. My quirk Is teleporting. I do know a person named todoroki that has a fire and ice quirk, so will that help?"

"No!" He yelled "It won't! That's not who I'm looking for!"

Looking for? What?

"Then who are you looking for?" I ask

"None of your business! Now let's move on to the next two questions. Do you use more than one quirk, and how did you lose your leg?" He asked

Shit! If I tell him then I'm definitely giving him what he wants! I can't lie though or he'll now I'm lying. He asked me if I had more than one quirk! How do I do a loop hole around that!

No he didn't.

He asked if I used more than one quirk. I don't use my soul keeper quirk! I use my teleporting quirk!
I also use my intelligence quirk, but I think that one should be okay to say.

One question successfully answered.

Now to the next question.

To be honest I'm almost 99 percent sure that I lost my leg because of something that before I was found bloody in an alley way. It could be because of anything though! If I'm not 100 percent sure it can't be consider as a lie!

"For the first question, Yes. I use more than 1 quirk. I use a teleporting quirk and a quirk name enhanced intelligence. For question 2, all I can say is that my leg has been like this for as long as I could remember." I said

"Looks like you are not lying. Now to the last question" I could hear him walk closer as he whispered in my ear "Have you heard my voice before."

"No." I quickly answered

He backed up and said "You just told me a lie."

What? But I never have heard is voice before!

"What are you talking about? I don't know you!" I yell

"That's strange." He said "You are telling the the truth about not knowing me, but you have heard my voice before? Maybe you just heard me talk somewhere before! Where did you hear my voice?" He asked

"I don't know!" I yell

I then think about it. Where had I heard his voice before? My dream! Why did I hear his voice in my dream?

He sighed and said, "I guess I have to let you go now. DO NOT TELL ANYBODY YOU WERE HERE, OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU!"

I quickly nod.

"Also, just so you know, it might have seemed that this conversation took 7 minutes, but actuully it took a little less than a day. Just how it works in this room. You can teleport back now." He said

Less than a day?! I could teleport now?! I was going to teleport out of the chains and just start trying to fight him, but I figured if he wanted to, he could make me unable to teleport again.

I teleported back to school and luckily my leg was still there. I put it on, and looked at my phone.

"8:25!" I yell

I then notice that there are people all around me, and of course now they were staring at me.

"Sorry." I say

I then start running to class, (you don't teleport because no quirks in the halls) It was the next day! How could one room do that?! I look at my phone again. It was 8:29.

Just in time

I open the door and sit down on my seat. Everyone was looking at me.

"What?!" I yell

"Where were you?" Onii-chan asked.

I was going to tell him what happened but then I thought,

Not die or tell them? I think being alive would be the better choice.

I then think of telling them a big corny lie like,

I left for a vacation at Hawaii!

I was definitely not doing that.

"It doesn't matter! At least I'm here." I say

He stares at me for a second, blinks, then looks back forward.

The big yellow calipillar walks in.

He says something but all I could think about was how crazy this day was. Why did they want me? Why did they let me go? Why does his voice feel so familiar? Why?

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