Chapter 19

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Neito POV
Four years old

"Mommy, who is this?" I say, looking at the man sitting at our table.

"Well this is our lovely neighbor." She said with a smile.

She gave our neighbor a cup of coffee and he happily drank it. He looked at me and grinned.

"Hi! I hear your name is Neito. It's nice to meet you!" He says

"Hi." I say

"So Neito, have you acquired a quirk at all? Well of course you have to have a quirk! The latest you can get one is four!"

"Ya! My quirk is copy and it is so much cooler and better than any other quirk ever!"

He seemed to have sparked interest in this conversation. He put down the coffee and looked me straight in the eyes.

"So Neito. What can you do with this quirk?"

"Well... I can copy other people's quirk for five minutes!"

"That's really cool... and useful..." He says

"Well, I have to get going Ms. Monoma. You have a lovely day."

"Oh, well, bye!"

And then I lived my day like nothing happened. But in reality, everything happened. You know those times were you do something so stupid, that you'll replay it in your mind over an over again. You imagine yourself doing something less stupid or smart to make yourself feel better, but the past is the past and there's no changing that.

That day was the last day I got to see my mother, and my home.

He killed her.

He killed my soul.

And there I was. A slave.

But there was a solution to my problem.

One little thing I could do to get my mom back.

I would have to help him with his work and he would bring her back. And that's what's been keeping me going everyday.

His work wasn't cleaning houses or managing taxes.

I would have to take care of children who were birthed out of two people who had to breed against their will.

Now I know what your asking, 'Why did he need children?'

And that's where you would be wrong. He didn't need the children. He doesnt give one shit about the children. All he needs are their quirks.

Now these people who were breeding, weren't just any people.

They were both soul keepers. The only two soul keepers in the world. They didn't even speak the same language. The man spoke French and the woman spoke Japanese. Now, there can only be one soul keeper bred out of this couple. No more.

I had to take care of their first child who was three.

We had to keep them until they were four. That's because no child can manifest a quirk later than four years old.

I felt so connected to this child. But that all ends when she shows no signs of a quirk for four years and has to get thrown out of a window. Don't forget that her leg was chopped off before she got thrown out. Just for that add of touch.

Isn't that great.

I thought it was over when the lady died and the father escaped. They only had three other children. One died at birth because of a brain deficiency. The other two were let out in the world because their quirks were so useless.

We had to get two more people. Do you know the odds of having a baby with a soul keepers quirk with no parent who has the quirk themselves? Low. Very low.

And it never happened.

I waited for 11 more years until something happened.

Apparently my keeper senses a strong aura at U.A.

Not any strong aura like All Might or the other hero's, but an even stronger aura. An aura of a soul keeper. But a little stronger than that as well.

Now he could of just went over to the school and picked out who was the soul keeper, but his aura quirk was a week one and would only come once and a while.

So I had to go.

I had to go to the school.

What I was told to do was copy every ones quirk in my class to see if one of them had a soul keeper quirk.

They would do the rest. They would pick the other first year classes until they made sure nobody had the quirk.

I made a friend. An amazing friend. Who I kind of had feelings for. Maybe a little. Okay maybe a lot, but that doesn't matter.

Everything changed once she told me she had the quirk.

The quirk I needed to get my mom back.

So I had to betray my first and only love.

I made sure she wasn't caught by my team mates. She was my grab not theirs. And in the end I did it.

No I didn't kill her.

She's just going to be asleep for a little while...

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