Chapter 33

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Two nights ago, was the most life changing experience I've been waiting for. After Luka marked me officially claiming me as his mate. We waited for the fever that was said to be the side effect of the lycan curse. However, no fever has approached me in anyway. Octavia says it's due to becoming the goddess of ice that the lycan curse had no effect on me. After all, I was my mate's cure.

Luka hasn't shifted either since he marked me. I remember the first night, we waited until midnight to see if the cure worked. The nerves and anxiety Luka felt waiting for the full moon to strike was very intense to watch. However, victory was the end result when he didn't shift. The look in his eyes were priceless to witness. After so long of pain of every night. He was finally free.

Being able to sleep calmly at night after so long.

I catch myself staring at my mark that still feels so tender at the touch. It's still very unbelievable to know I've been marked by my mate for the rest of our lives. The thought of it brings a smile on my lips.


A knock on the door is heard breaking me out of my deep thoughts knowing it's Athena whom has came to collect her dragon. I head towards the door letting my sister inside.

"You look good," Athena says as she stares at my silvery-white hair that lays perfectly flat. Since my transformation it's stayed this way along with my frosty-white eyes. "You sure it doesn't make me look like a old woman?," I respond leading her towards the backyard, where I'm keeping the dragons.

"No way, you look bad ass," Athena says as she nudges me from the back as we keep walking until we step out.

Instantly, our eyes spot our dragons as they do the same. I stay silent watching how Athena's red eyes stay glued to the red striped dragon whom is doing the same. The bond these two developed just right now reminds me of how Icarus and I were when I first brought them home. According to what I read from the goddess book. Dragons pick their mothers such as we pick them.

Icarus is beautiful and presents what I truly am. Two bright deep blue stripes run down both sides of its spine to the very end of its tail. Vibrant deep electric blue eyes that are very intimidating, yet so pure at the same exact time.

"Arceles," Athena mutters as she steps forward crouching down to greet her dragon. Arceles without hesitation steps closer to her rubbing its head against Athena's palm.

"Just like Icarus presents me, so does Arceles to you," I smile witnessing the beautiful special moment every goddess experiences with her destined dragon.

Arceles has two deep red stripes on both its spine going down to the very end of its tail. Its eyes being a mixture of yellow and red. Arceles eyes are truly intimidating filled with leadership.

"What about the other one?," Athena asks as she takes a look at the yellowish/gold dragon.

"I didn't get no bond. The only thing I've gotten is the dragon occasionally rubbing against my stomach here and there. It's odd," I say taking a moment to think about the oddness of it all.

"It probably takes time," Athena shrugs her shoulders.

Suddenly, a soothing voice tone comes into existence causing Athena and I to both look back upon white-grayish eyes that belongs to Moon. Moon is very handsome, which makes me wonder if someone like him has a mate. Reason why, is due to him constantly having time to appear day and night.

"I see company has presented itself. I better get going before Lysias loses his shit due to Legion throwing a fit," Athena quickly dismisses herself as she takes Arceles within her arms.

"Welcome Moon, what brings you here?," I curiously ask walking towards him.

"You and I need to talk," Moon sternly says, which causes me to feel surprised since his tone has always been so calm and patient. However, from his current tone. It seems as if he's inpatient about something.

"Don't you fucking dare!," a sudden angry Luka appears running from inside the house towards us.

I scrunch my brows together not understanding his aggressive behavior towards Moon. "It's done, she must know," Moon responds unbothered by Luka.

"What's done? What must I know?," I confusedly ask glancing at both Luka and Moon.

Luka ignores my question rushing past me to push Moon. "Luka!," I shout disapprovingly. Luka ignores me and decides to let his fist swing towards Moon's face, which his fist completely swings touching nothing. Due to Moon disappearing from the spot and reappearing at another spot near me.

Luka turns around spotting Moon and starts charging at him ready to swing at him again. However, this time I decide to stand in the way bringing my mate to a quick halt. "Stop!," I firmly say having enough of this fight between the two.

"Go inside Alyja," Luka says with such a worried face expression. Is there something he's hiding from me that has him so uneasy about Moon's visit?


"Please Alyja listen to me," Luka begs as nervousness and fear swirls within his irises of those crystal blue eyes of his.

"Are you hiding something from me Luka? What's with this behavior?," I ask in one breath starting to get inpatient with him.

Luka stays silent debating on something that only he knows is going through his head. "I was planning to tell you I swear," Luka huffs frustratingly.

"Tell me what?"

Luka stays silent only staring at me as if he's scared of how I'll react. This behavior has definitely gotten me worried. What's going on? That has my own mate wanting to take me away to keep me unaware of it.

"Luka, tell me now."

"Your loving Moon didn't just let Demise bring you back to life with no cost," Luka finally speaks giving the most hateful glare towards Moon.

"What do you mean?," I raise a brow.

"I had to make a deal with him in order to bring you back to me."

"A deal?," I breathe not knowing what to think about the mystery deal that has Luka so stressed.

"What deal?," I decide to get specific.

The next thing that comes out from Moon's mouth has me completely appalled. Never did I believe Luka was capable of such a thing until now. I feel so betrayed by the wolf I love the most in this world.

"For you to get revived. Luka had to agree to giving me his first born."

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