Chapter 11

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Sniffing Alyja's scent through my nostrils, I run as fast I can to get to her. I thought this would be easier to do, pushing her away for her own good. She has no idea the kind of danger she'll be in if I were to claim her, let alone mark her as my luna of my empire. This is all for the best.

As soon as I hit dead end on the cliff deep within the forest. I start sniffing like crazy not sure how I am still smelling her even though it's a dead end, but then that's when I glance down seeing a river running down towards it's waterfall. On the side of the river, I spot something that has be completely baffled at the sight of it. Whatever it is. A womanly figure that's completely transparent not at all normal is standing whilst scanning herself.

I run down the path to get to this unknown mysterious figure that I don't have the slightest clue of what it may even be. I have never seen anything like it. As I make my way down, the scent of Alyja becomes stronger which has me confused.

Is she near by the unknown thing?

"Who are you?!," I firmly question the figure as I approach closer. What I see up close has me completely speechless. Never in my life have I've been lost for words and never in my life have I witnessed something like this before.

 Never in my life have I've been lost for words and never in my life have I witnessed something like this before

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It doesn't take long for me to realize it's Alyja who stands before me angrily looking at me. However, I don't pay mind to that due to being utterly shocked by what I'm seeing. This unknown figure was Alyja the entire time. She isn't in human form nor in wolf form. I don't know what this form is whatsoever. Perhaps, if I had to guess, I would assume it's her goddess form. Pure ice is what is of her right now. Her once blue-silvery eyes are now pure white with a deep icy blue color circling the outside of her irises. While her body is purely ice, her hair is pure glossy white. My heart thumps irregularly not knowing what to expect especially since she's throwing the most hateful glare towards me.

"W-what happened to you?," I ask breaking the silence between us.

"W-what happened to you?," I ask breaking the silence between us

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Alyja furrows her brows not saying a word to me. Instead she expands her hand out. Within her palm forms a white energy of some kind with sparks of electricity. My eyes widen as I realize she is about to throw this orb of pure power at me. Quickly as she throws her orb directing it towards my direction. I quickly dodge it jumping to the side. I watch as the orb of force strikes a tree completely freezing it within a blink of an eye.

"What the fuck Alyja?!," I grumble standing back up dusting the dirt off of my clothes.

Alyja doesn't say a word once again, but this time she turns around jumping into the river disappearing out of my sight within seconds.

"Alyja!," I shout staring into the river hoping she comes back, but she doesn't. I have no idea where she is heading to since all of a sudden I can't detect her scent until she shifts into her wolf form which I doubt she will since she's too busy being whatever this form is.

I take a moment to analyze what just happened. Nothing makes sense. How did Alyja become whatever that was? Not too long ago, she was normal. What happened in the little time length from when she ran out of the mansion to now? Was Alyja this pissed off at me that she was willing to hurt me? This is so unlike her. She's too kind to hurt me after all I am her mate. And just like a lighting bulb it hits me.

"Did Alyja even have control over this form or was it controlling her?"


Fluttering my eyes open, I see the cloudy clouds pass by slowly as the little sunlight peeks through here and there

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Fluttering my eyes open, I see the cloudy clouds pass by slowly as the little sunlight peeks through here and there. Soon after, I realize I'm completely naked which instantly has me standing up scanning the entire place making sure I'm in fact alone here which by the looks of it seems like I am in fact alone.

"What the heck happened?," I breathe confusedly. I don't remember how I even got here or what happened. My last memory being getting out of the river and seeing myself completely different which I blame my mind for hallucinating that. However, after that, I can't seem to remember anything whatsoever.

"Maybe I passed out once I got out and crashed here," I murmur finding it the most reasonable explanation for why I woke up here confused.

I start making my way back into the forest praying to the moon that no one's is at the mansion, so I can just run upstairs and throw clothes over myself. After a good while, I am now in front of the door of the mansion feeling my nerves going crazy as I think of all the possibilities that can occur considering my luck. However, after building some courage I turn the doorknob swinging the door open seeing no one. I sprint upstairs like my life depended on it. Spotting my room, I smile feeling such success for not bumping into anyone in the state I am right now.

For once I feel like my luck is starting to change around here.

And that's when I noticed I spoke too soon when I burst inside the room coming face to face with the last person I wanted to bump into. Seriously out of all people it had to be him? Not that I'm saying I preferred for others to see me completely naked, but seriously this wolf I am not a fan of right now or ever now that I remind myself of the horrific scene from earlier.

"Wow," Luka breathes his crystal blue eyes glued to my bare body that's completely exposed to him.

I scream, covering my private parts as much as I can.

My mate just seen me completely naked.

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