☆4: "I'm in the wrong reality"

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My annoying alarm was once again ripping my brain apart. Why do I even have to go to school. I hate this. I made a portal into the kitchen and started making some coffee. I was really sleepy so I just let my astral form take care of the coffee. The coffee was done. I woke up my body and took a cup to pour it in. I sipped my iced coffee and rolled my eyes from pleasure.

"Good morning" I heard from behind. That's strange. Does my dad have a cold he sounds different. I turned around and I almost choked on my coffee as I saw a boy in a grey t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He was muscular but not too much, really tall and he had short brown hair and green eyes. Who the fuck is that?

"Woah are you ok?" The boy asked me.

"Who are you?" I said letting the coffee levitate next to me and making in both of my hands two small shields to fight. He started laughing.

"It's not funny. Who the fuck are you? Did I get drunk and brought you here?" He laughed even more.

"Very funny (y/n)" he said and opened the fridge.

"What are you doing in my house and how do you know my name?" I said very seriously.

"Are you high?" He asked now serious.

"No I'm not" Then dad walked in and saw me in a fighting position ready to kick the boy's ass.

"Good mor- WHAT THE HECK (Y/N)" I scared him cause he didn't expect to see me like this in the morning.

"Dad who is he do you know him?" I said facing the boy with my eyebrows frowned.

"(Y/n) he's your-" I cut him off

"Dad I swear to god I didn't brought him here" I said concerned.

"He's your brother, (y/n). Are you drunk?"

"My what?"


"Dad I never had a brother"

"Very funny (y/n)"

"Dad are you serious? You don't believe me? This is messed up. I don't have a brother I never had"

"You always did. Check the photos" I walked towards some photos on the fridge. He's right but i don't remember him.

"Am I dreaming?" I said. The boy pinched me.

"Nope" he said. Well if he is my brother and I don't remember him but I'm not dreaming then I must be-

"I'm in the wrong reality" I said and they both turned to face me. "Dad I must be in the wrong reality. These pictures" I showed him the pictures "We took them alone. The reality changed or someone changed the timeline"


"No dad remember the other day the guy that wanted The book of Cagliostoro? He... must have either went back in time and changed the reality or changed the timeline. I was reading about this yesterday if someone changes the timeline small or big changes might happen even if they have nothing to do with the change cause time, time effects everything" he put his hands on my shoulders. Wait he doesn't believe me?

"(Y/n) look, I don't know if you are serious right now or not but this is how it always was. Nothing changed"

"Great. You think I'm crazy"

"It's not that it's just-"

"It's just what, dad?"

"Hard to believe"

Wrong Reality // Dr. Strange's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now