☆11: Monster

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I was walking into a park, going home after ballet training when i saw someone sit on a bench not too far away from me. The park was empty and it was dark. There weren't a lot of lights only a couple so i wasn't able to see who it was. It was really creepy. The person was wearing something white and sat up straight, not moving a single finger.

It's nothing just walk away.

I thought to myself trying to keep calm. I shook my head trying not to imagine what they would do if they kidnap me. I started walking faster and as i got closer the person, that i could now see was a woman, she stood up. Like she was waiting for me to walk past her.

I'm gonna get so fucked off if i get murdered.

I started walking a little faster and as i walked past the woman she reached out her arm.

"Wait!" She said. "I'm your mother, i- i need help. He's after me" i stopped. But didn't turn around. Where am i? Is this real? Could it be? They sound so similar.

"Am i... dead?" I was still not fasing her.

"No... well at least not yet"

"What do you mean? Am i in a time dream or something?"


"Then what?"

"I need your help" i turned around to see if it was her. And it was.

"Mom? H-how?" I slowly started walking towards her as i felt my vision become blurry from the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I don't know" the wind blew her white dress away. She was wearing her favourite dress. The dress she wore when dad proposed her. Her face looked tired and she had dirt smudges on her cheeks.

"Wh-what happened?"

"He is coming" she looked up scared. The moon reflecked on her watery eyes. She flinched when she saw a shadow run above her head.

"Who is coming? Green hood?"

"Yeah he's-" she stepped backwards. Her eyes never left the top of a building. I tried to spot who she was looking at but... no one was there.

"Are you sure i'm not dead? Cause i got no problem with that. Life sucks, school sucks and no one even likes me. Plus, this looks interesting" i snapped my fingers and changed clothes. I had a bored expression on my face, as usual, until i started spinning around and saw a shadow moving on top of a building. I frowned as i tried to focus on the figure.

"You're not dead. You're just-" her sentence was cut off by a spell being thrown at us. This spell was a slow down spell, basically it slows you down as everyone around you moves in normal speed.

I wasn't ready for that. I had no idea he would do this spell. It's really difficult nearly impossible to break out of it. We were going so slow that our bodies couldn't hadle the pressure and started sweating. It was like running but going nowhere.

As i started sweating even more i tried to break the spell with another to make myself faster. But it didn't work. I saw the shadow jump down from the building and move towards us.

"There you are (y/n). I've been searching for you" it was the green hood. He started levitating closer to us but was stopped by.... spider-man?

"Leave her alone"

"Right, you exist" he said annoyed. Then peter started webbing him. Really fast. Web after web as he jumped and run around him but everytime his webs were close to his body, his body would disappear and then appear the next second. After a lot of tries peter was out of breath and gave up. He rested his body on his knees and breathed loudly.

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