☆10: Weakness

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How can he even say this? He doesn't believe me anymore. But you know if he doesn't believe me, then he'll sure believe Oliver.

I had a plan. I needed Oliver to fight with me against him. And i know, i know he's not that good but i can use him as distraction.

"OLIVER" i yelled as i got out of my portal. He popped his head out of his room.

"Uh yeah? Everything okay?"

"No. I need you to help me fight the green hood" i grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the room.

"Woah woah woah woah woah" i stopped and turned around as i felt him fight back.

"What? We don't have time"

"I don't know how to fight" i rolled my eyes and signed.

"I need you as distraction. Don't worry i won't let him touch you. Now come on"

"Okay, okay" i moved my fingers around him and made an armour and then made a portal to get out of the house. And yeah no one really uses the door.

"How exactly are you planning on finding him?" He asked me as we started walking out on the street. I had my hood on, same with Oliver, but people gave us weird looks. I guess it's logical tho, we look like we escaped from a movie.

"I have no idea but i guess that he is stalking me so he should be around- HERE. There he is. Get ready" i made once again the mirror dimension.

"We meet again (y/n)" he said, his voice was fucked up with a spell again.

"Yeah, yeah. Now tell me how..." i got into fighting position. "To reverse whatever the fuck you've done"

"Hey there with the language" i shot Oliver a look and he stopped.

"You have changed everything. Mark suddenly doesn't exist, cindy is a total bitch, flash is back to being a stupid bully, may doesn't know about peter, the teachers for some reason love me and you even changed the school's location. And that's about what i know and i'm sure you've done way more, so tell how to reverse this" my voice sounded very serious.

"And why should i do that?" I rolled my eyes.

"BECAUSE" i signed trying to control myself. "You are ruining the reality" he started moving closer so i put my hand in front of Oliver.

"Huh. Maybe your father is right. Maybe nothing is happening. Or maybe it's your fault" i tensed up. "Think about it, how do you remember the past timeline? There are two reasons this might be happening. One, you're going crazy and this was the reality for years" i started stepping backwards. "Or two, you did it"

"What do you even want from me?" He signed frustrated.

"To see you suffer and then kill you" i made a shield so he wouldn't attack.

"Yeah that's not gonna happen"

"We'll see about that" then he clapped his hands and the shield became feathers that flew away. I was shocked.

"Wh- what?" Before i could finish he attacked with a knife, but i made a jello shield that stopped it.

"You're smart" i said. "But i'm smarter"

"HEY GREEN HOOD BITCH! COME AND GET MY ASS" Oliver shouted from afar and flipped him.

Green hood started running towards him. I made a leash and caught his legs but he did a back flip and sent me into a car. Cloak tried to stop my fall but the force was too much.

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