☆24: The timeline

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"What is your job exactly, besides getting peter into trouble?" I looked up at stark with a death stare.

"I make baloon animals for kids at parties" his smartass was ready to speak when i caught him off guard. "But i also happen to be your only hope in saving the universe"

"What was that?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm protecting your reality, douchebag"

"Relax you two, we don't need a second civil war" peter and ned entered the room.

"Last one didn't exactly end as expected, right stark? Oh and where exactly is wanda and vision?"

"Okay you can stop now"

"Yeah i should probably stop talking but i'm not going to" i giggled a little looking at him as he rolled his eyes.

"What is the plan, (y/n)?" Peter asked as he passed me a cup of tea. I looked at my cup that is full with the hot drink and then raised my gase at him.

"Are you seriously giving me tea to drink?" He looked around confused.

"What's wrong with tea?" I scoffed.

"You're soft, peter" i said before standing up and walking in front of a wall. "How does this work?" I tapped on the wall when suddenly a hologram appeared under my fingers.

"Watch out witch girl, i need the equipment"

"Sure" stark held a pen as he spun the hologram in place. "Thanks" i grabbed the pen and drew a line. "So what we have to do is follow exactly where he went"

"How are we gonna do that?"

"I'm glad you're asking ned, i have a plan"

"Oh now we're saved. She has a plan" tony said sarcastically.

"This is the year that the inncident happened. This is the year that started everything" i mark a line on the timeline. "Now we follow it. Twenty years later, he lost his memory" i mark the year in the timeline once again. "He travelled back to here, changed reality into me having a brother and then went back to the real time which we don't remember"


"He changed it again because Oliver was not as strong as he wanted him to and he would have died if he tried to make him stronger"


"He killed him off but it didn't have as much impact on me because... i had met him like a few days before he died. So he went back again, killed my mother, making my brother weaker and me more emotionally imbalanced" they all stared at me like lost puppies.

"That makes absolutely no sense" tony blinked fast.

"Well it would if you were smarter" his mouth fell open.

"Excuse me, out of all the people in this room who is a) wearing a stupid costume and b) still in high school?" His arms crossed.

"You just described all three of us" i looked at peter's spidey costume and ned's cape that is made out of a purple blanket that he found on the couch. Silence falls upon us. "I can't do this. I'll be right back" i slid my ring on and proceeded to make a portal.

"Where are you going?" Peter tried to follow.

"To get some help"

"From who?" I smiled and winked at him before i walked inside the portal.

⋇ ៛ ۵

"I don't get this"

I ended up getting my father to help. Well, kidnapped my father to help is more fitting.

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