☆20: Ask for power

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"Yeahhh that's right" he said in a weird way. "You're beloved little witch erased my memory just because she was embarrassed"

"I was scared. I mean why am i even trying to explain myself" i scoffed angrily. "You are the bad guy in the situation because you tried to..."

"So what you decided to erase all my memory? Who gave you the right?" He lowered himself more so now he was eye level with me. Still outside of the elevator but with the help of a spell we could hear him better. "I didn't even know what my name was"

"Well i didn't know how to do the spell really well... it came out wrong" i tried to avoid eye contact.

"And that's supposed to be a... what? Excuse? That's the opposite of an excuse you idiot!"

"You shouldn't have done it in the first place. I just wanted you to forget that part not lose your whole memory. You scared me and it didn't work ou-"

"'You're arguing like babies' Flash says. Why don't you come here and argue with me like the man you are huh? Why don't ya" he said while fasing through the elevator's glass. I stepped between them.

"Aye you're arguing with me right now. Not him" he raised an eyebrow at me, sassily landed and walked towards flash.

"Huh" he scratched his head and turned around. "Right" and with that he threw my bunny off the elevator.

"(R/N)!" i jumped off the elevator and made a shield just inches off the ground. The shield caught (r/n) then i flew down to grab her and made a portal to the hotel. "Oh wait" i rethought my actions and made a portal to Kamar-Taj, specifically on my dads office. I didn't have time to go in and call for help since my friends are trapped in an elevator with a psychopath, so this way he'll see that something is wrong and he'll come help me. I flew back up with all my force.

"Here you are, i thought we lost you" he turned around and walked my way giving me view of what he left behind. Flash's nose was dripping blood all over the floor, his eyes watering and a scared expression on everyone's faces.

"Okay this is clearly between me and you. Let them go" my voice stern.

"Yeah about that. I was hoping they could help me with something" suddenly, he extended his arms towards me sending me with a lot of force against the elevator's wall. "Now" with his right hand, he lifted everyone up, making them all fase through the elevator again. He stayed inside with me. "You're gonna tell me where all the infinity stones are" i struggled against his force.

"Don't hold your breath. It's not happening"

"Oh really? You think so?" he cleared his throat and began talking again. This time his voice was a lot more threatening. "Tell me where all the infinity stones are or else i'll drop them down!"

"You wouldn't dare" i continued to struggle, trying to gain time so my dad could come. Any second now.

"You really think so? I couldn't care less about them"

"No, you got the wrong idea. It's for your benefit. If you drop them, there's no way i'll tell you. They are the only ones i care about so... do it... and you'll never know where they are"

"What about your dad? You don't care about him? I could just kill him you know?"

"Then why aren't you asking him? If you're so certain that you will be able to kill him?" i laughed a little. I saw his expression change, trying to hide that he didn't know what to answer to that. He clearly knew the answer though.

"I ask, you talk. No questions" he said harshly with gritted teeth.

"Why do you need the infinity stones anyway?" He's so stupid there's no way he won't brag about his huge plan.

"Well... i really shouldn't tell you but..." he signed. "I mean your father isn't coming anyways so your 'brilliant plan' isn't working, so that means i have an advantage" with these words my full attention was back on him and not the people hanging over the elevator.

"Wait what? What do you mean he isn't coming? What did you do?"

"Oh you haven't heard? Your father was mind controlled, can you guess by who?" He smiled on his own. "By me. That's why it was so easy to stalk you, that's why your father always tried to throw you off about green hood" Well that explains a lot of things.

"If you had my father under control, why didn't you ask him you stupid?"

"Don't you think i tried? This part of his memory was locked. By him. He was prepared. I'm not as stupid as you think" he tilted his head to the side. Like he just realised something. "And you're not as strong as you think"

"Yeah no shit. I'm not a god"

"You could be" i clenched my jaw. 'I could be'. Could i, really? "If you help me, i'll show you how" my breathing changed. I could finally get recognised for my abilities. I know i'm strong but father won't let me show it. "You could have everything you ever desired. Just let me help you" i took a peek outside and saw peter shaking his head repeatedly.


"Enough parker" he sighed once again. "Where were we? You know who else i got into the trick? Clea, she was into the plan. What else, what else..." he scratched his chin. "Oh remember all those nightmares and shadows you were seeing all over your room and in your dreams and shit like that? Also me. I got into your head. New trick" he bragged so proud of himself.

"You haven't answered my question yet"

"What question i forgot" he sbapped his fingers like he remembered. "The infinity stones, right. So i'm planning on erasing from existance every sorcerer out there. Well except me. No sorcerer will be able to hide from the snap and-"

"It's not gonna work" he was taken aback.

"Excuse me?"

"I've seen the future. It won't work, it never does"

"How many did you see?"

"14,000,605? I think"

"No that's not possible" as he was trying process everything i used my force to pull myself away. "What about thanos?"

"It doesn't work"

"But if i do the snap earlier then-"

"Look buddy, in all these 14 million futures it only worked once and... it cost a lot. So why do you bother? What are you planning to do next?"

"Huh i was planning on using the stones to make everyone on earth my slave gaining that way thanos' respect and trust but now..." he looked at me. "I'm gonna have to kill everybody cabable of competing against me by going into their houses and choking the life out of them"

"Sure yeah whatever you say. Good luck with that" i mocked him as i was finally able to let go of his spell. "It seems very logical and i'm not being sarcastic" Of course i was being sarcastic. This is the stupidest idea i've ever heard. You know, if i was a psychopath trying to get unlimited power, i would've done it way differently. He seemed to have read my thoughts again as he placed everyone down, except peter. His pupils were so small to the point were he barely had any and his vains were more define than ever before. I was parallised by this view of him so i just standed there waiting for a responce. He stepped closer and closer. No sounds can be heard except his heavy boots approaching. His eyes stared into mine, no expression on his face. I tried to look down but he placed his freezing fingers under my chin and lifted up my face.

"I'm not gonna ask for power, i'm gonna take it" his voice barely louder than a whisper. "You want in? Great, but if you're not on my side you better step back and enjoy the show. Or else there will be consequences" and with a snap of his fingers, peter fell off the elevator as time started going normally again and he disappeared.

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