☆16: Getting closer

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It was a perfect, for once thank god, morning. Everything was going good. Today they would tell us with who we'll be sharing a room with. Of course i know i can't be sharing a room with peter or ned so i'll have to go with one of the fake bitches our school has a bunch of.

At the airport they gave us some papers with the room number, floor and roommate. I put it in my pocket, say good bye to my dad and follow peter and ned to the area where they check our bags.

"Who is your roommate?" Ned asks peter. I don't listen to them i just put my bag on the table.

"I haven't checked" he says as he places his bag next to mine.

"Well let's check then. 3... 2... 1..." they open their papers at the same time and their faces drop as they read what is written on them.

"What does it say? What could it possibly say that made your faces drop so suddenly?" I said as i put take the other earphone out. "Your faces are priceless" i laughed but my laugh quickly turned into me chocking on air when i read that ned's paper says 'Eugene Flash Thompson' whereas peter's paper says 'Austin Chase Phill'. I looked up at them, raised my eyebrow and with a cold glare i turned back to my suitcase.

"It should be fine. Just don't start a fight and if he asks questions about me or 'you know who' just don't answer"

"So uh who is your roommate?" Peter asks.

"Let's hope not clea" i say as i walk with the whole school into our flight.

✜ ✛ ✚

You gotta be fucking kidding me. Not only is peter in the same room with austin, but i am also in the same room with clea. This is just great.

We were inside the plane now. Flying actually. I had my hood covering my whole face as i casted a spell to mute everyone around me. I had to think about a good plan. I looked outside my window and stared at the orange and pink fluffy clouds. The sun was just setting and everything looked like a dream. After a few minutes of just me staring at them I slowly started drifting to sleep.

"So, how long?" Clea asked all of the sudden.

"Did you just unmute everyone?" I asked tiredly as i opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light.

"Yeah you always did that spell in class so i figured i'd do it here too" i hummed and closed my eyes again.

"Now back to my question" she said a little louder making me jump and sit up.

"How long what? You have to be more specific i'm too bored to think"

"You and peter. For how long?" I was not ready for this question.

"Uhh we're just friends" she frowned.

"Just friends? If i found a guy that hot i would've banged him without even asking his name" she looked at the front seat. "Or age"

"Well i'm not you clea" i looked back outside. "Obviously"

"So is he available?"

"Nope he's not. Especially not for you" she turned to look at me even tho i wasn't looking at her. There was a silence.

"I'm sorry for what i did to you" This caught me off guard. She's apologising? Not in a million year would i ever believe that Clea White would apoligise to anyone for her mistakes. Yet here we are apologising to me.


"No it's not i was horrible to you" i turned my head and looked at her eyes, trying to search for regret. And i'm surpised to say that regret was deffinitely there.

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