☆22: Who?

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As we teleported into Kamar-Taj, everything seemed normal. I turned around to see ned and peter with wide eyes slowly spinning around looking amazed. Even though we just teleported into the yard.

"You like it?" I asked.

"Holy..." ned begun but never finished.

"I take that as a yes?" I laughed. "Okay chop chop we gotta go to dad's office" i clapped at the words 'chop chop' for emphasis, but it didn't really work because they didn't seem to be responding. "Alright" i grabbed both their hands and started walking towards where we wanted to go. "There's a few things you need to know before we go in"

"Mm-hm" they both nodded.

"First of all, no non-sorcerer has ever been in here so if he faints, that's why"

"That means we are the first non-sorcerers to be in Kamar-Taj?" Peter asked.

"Yeah that's what i meant by 'no-sorcerer has ever been in here'" we continued to walk into hallways and hallways. "Second thing you need to know, do not, and i mean it, do not say your opinion about austin or green hood and how to defeat him"


"Because my father doesn't like to be told what to do by non-sorcerers, especially when it has to do with sorcery. So he'll kick you out"

"Got that"

"Third thing i want to address which is kind of irrelevant, is that the future has changed since should've been in the visit-"

"OH MY GOD YOU DID NOT" peter exclaimed and stopped walking making me hit him because i was walking infront of them. He crossed his arms and he'd never looked angrier.

"Uh what?"

"We didn't inform the teachers about where we are going and now they will think they lost us and they will start looking around and call aunt may!" He threw his hands in the air and dropped them dramatically.

"Relax i did a little spell so they will be sleeping until we get back"

"What if someone wakes them up? Thought about that?" He started tapping his foot on the ground.

"They can't escape the spell. They will wake up only when i make them" i said rolling my eyes.

"What if austin-"

"The whole class is asleep including austin" i answered his question fastly and continued walking.

Finally, we arrived at the wooden door. His office wasn't anything special but he is a teacher here so he had an upgrade. His name was written with gold calligraphic letters exactly in the middle of the door. Not too left, not too right. I measured it and made them change it when i was 12. I didn't say anything, just stared at the door. I knew i had to explain to my dad why austin is green hood and what went down that day after gym class.

He is literally going to kill me for not telling him earlier. And then he is gonna kill me again because i brought peter parker and ned leeds in Kamar-Taj.

"Are you gonna knock?" Ned whispered as he leaned a little closer to me so i could hear him and then back to his place. "Do you know how to knock?" He leaned closer again. I kept staring at the door bitting my lip anxiously. "Do you think wizzards knock their doors differently? Or have some kind of rule that says to wait certain seconds and then knock?" He whispered to peter.

"I don't know" he answered. "Probably not" he added a couple seconds later.

"Then why isn't she knocking? Do you think she doesn't know how to knock?" He continued whispering in the same tone so i could clearly hear him.

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