This is my dog...

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Deaven, my Pomeranian, is so sweet. He's super fluffy, and I love him so much. He usually sleeps with me, and is so nice to hug after a stressful day. I'm not even joking. He is such a bundle of fluff and love. 

This is him sleeping

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This is him sleeping.

Here he's begging for my food

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Here he's begging for my food....

Here he's just being a mountain of fur

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Here he's just being a mountain of fur.

Here he's just being a mountain of fur

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But he's so sweet. 

If you want to get a dog, please consider getting a Pomeranian. 


Thanks for dealing with my dog pics. 

Okay bye.

PHILINDA STUFF - And A Lot Of Other Random Stuff I Wanna PublishWhere stories live. Discover now