MY PANEL QUESTION AT C2E2 #Philinda!!!!!

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   the above picture is Ming's actual reaction to the question i asked.

   So I got up to the mic, introduced myself, and stuttered like a fool. "Hi, sorry, you're my hero."

   Ming said, "Awwwwww!"

   And then I started. "I'm here representing some Philinda fans, and it has been 310 days since the finale aired-"

   Everyone in the auditorium blinked. Ming said, "Wow! That long? We went to tahiti!"

   "-Yes, and I know Coulson is 'dead'."


   "But I wanna ask. . ." I built up suspense, "Did Philinda go out with a bang?"


    The entire crowd whooped, cheered, clapped, and whistled. Ming's immediate response was, "Hey! there are kids in here!"

   I put my hands up, and replied, "Hey! And I'm fifteen!"

   Mrs. Wen looked down at me, and got this smile on her face. "Well," She started, "In that case, Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeaaaahh."


   Once it calmed down, she continued, "And he has this mechanical hand. . . "

   The crowd cheered again, but she stopped, looked at me, and laughed. I thanked her, and sat back down.


PHILINDA STUFF - And A Lot Of Other Random Stuff I Wanna PublishWhere stories live. Discover now