Chapter 1

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Well I'm SCP-683, but I call myself Y/N. I was turned into this 'thing' and for most of my life I thought I was the only one that looked like me. Once I overheard from the scientists that I was similar to another SCP here, I was happy. Although that quickly changed once I heard what she was like. If anything I grew fearful of her even though I have never met her. 

"Hey Y/N." I heard a guard call as he opened the door

The guards here were more trusting with me since I never attacked them or show any signs of aggression. Well they do know that if they attack me first, then I'll retaliate but other than that I'm pretty peaceful. My mouth started to water as the smell of F/F hit my nose. Another privilege for me being so passive is that they feed me F/F instead of the disgusting food they feed the others. The guard set the food by the door before stepping out and closing the door behind him. I quickly approached the food since I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I ate my food in a hurry as I heard the scientists enter their little room that was behind the window. After I finished my food I hurried back to my little bed I made in the corner. I watched the outline of the scientists as they watched me,

"You think that's a good idea? Putting the two of them together?" I heard one of them ask the other

"Yeah I mean look at the size of her. She won't be scared of her." The other said

"She'll probably think she's food! Who knows what she'll do to Y/N!"

"Why do you even care so much for this SCP!?" The other one shouted at him 

My eyes widen as I hear the scientist bring up my name. It was never a good thing whenever they mention my name or SCP number. 

"Anyway that could be true, but she won't be able to take down Y/N. They're the same type of creature."

"I still think we should talk this over with the boss. He won't like it if we do this without his knowledge." 

The other scientist growled angrily, "Fine. Lets go talk to him then." 

They quickly left and I started to grow worried. Who were they talking about? Was it SCP-682? I hope not. I can't go up against her! She'll probably just beat the shit out of me! I could feel myself shaking as I tried to calm myself down. I started to grow tired and I quickly fell asleep within a few seconds later. 

Timeskip 3 hours 

I was awakened by my cell door opening,

"Alright Y/N come on out." I heard a guard say as I slowly stood and made my way to the door

As I came out of my cell I saw that there was a total of 10 guards. Five of them had what I called the shocking sticks, and they used those if I resisted to go somewhere or it was the first line of defense if I attacked them. The other five had some type of guns in case the shocking sticks didn't work. The two scientists from earlier approached as my cell door shut behind me,

"Alright now that we've gotten clarification from the boss we can continue. Now please escort SCP-683 to SCP-682's cell." My eyes widened as I seemed to freeze in place. The one scientist on the left glared at me, and I could tell that he was the meaner of the two 

"I still don't think this is a good idea Will..." The other one muttered as he ran his hand through his hair

"Well I've gotten clarification from the boss, so shut it Clark." The meaner one growled which I assumed was Will. Suddenly I herd the guards activate the shocking sticks

I refused to move as a guard spoke up,

"Come on Y/N we don't really want to use these on you.."

Although I didn't listen and sure enough I felt a shock on my left side. I let out a yelp before starting to follow them to SCP-682's cell. My nerves started to kill me and my legs began to shake with every step. Different scents hit my nose as we approached a new area, but one was much stronger than the rest. We approached what seemed like a reinforced door, and the scent grew much stronger.  I could hear a angry voice from inside,


I whimpered as I tried to back away but the guards shocked me again as the door opened. They quickly shoved me inside before shutting the door behind me. I turned my attention to the SCP in front of me once I heard a growl. My eyes widened as I realized how much bigger SCP-682 was then me. She was at least two times larger than me. I almost looked like an omega, and she looked like an alpha. Never mind. She was definitely an alpha. I began to shake as she glared down at me before stalking towards me. I panicked and ran for the door, clawing against it trying to get out.

"Let me out!" I whimpered but I stopped once I felt 682's presence directly behind me 


"I'M GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU HEAR ME!? I'LL RIP YOU APART!" I screamed at the scientists on the other side of this damn glass

I could tell that they were shaking before I suddenly heard my door open. Before I could do anything it shut, and something sweet filled my nose. I let out a growl as I turned to the source to see a female. She seemed exactly like me, but much, much smaller. As I stalked towards her she ran for the door, and started to frantically claw against it. I watched her with amused eyes before I slowly walked up behind her. I heard the girl let out a small whimper before she stopped clawing at the door. My tail seemed to have a mind of its own as it wrapped around the girls' waist before pulling her into the middle of the room. She sat there shaking as I circled around her, looking at her body as her sweet scent enter my nostrils. It suddenly clicked in my head and I quickly stood in front of her, my tail re-wrapping itself around her waist,


Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now