Chapter 10

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Three weeks later...

I sat in the entrance of our cave, looking out towards the forest sadly. 682 has yet to come back making me extremely worried and sad. The first few days I thought she was just taking a long hunting trip to get her anger out. Although as more days passed by that thought disappered and was replaced by worry. Heck even my babies seem to miss her. They don't kick as much anymore which only makes me worry even more. I am brought out of my thoughts by a squishing noise beside me. Bob had sat beside me placing one of his small hands on my leg.


"I'm just worried about her. She hasn't came back in weeks Bob. I need to go out and look for her. Besides we need food too."

Bob shook his head placing both his hands on my stomach.

"I know I shouldn't go out while I'm pregnant but she's left us no choice. You can't really hunt so I'm the only one out of the two of us that can hunt." 

Bob whimpers sinking down into his body. I smile placing my hand on his head softly.

"I'll be cautious I promise. I need you to stay here okay?" 

He pouts and I held in a giggle, "I don't want you to get hurt. I won't be gone for long.....hopefully." I mutter the last part 

Luckily Bob didn't seem to hear it and he stopped pouting. I softly patted his head before walking out of the cave. 

"Well 682 makes hunting seem easy so it must be pretty easy." I mutter as my eyes wander the forest for any prey 

The leaves crunched underneath my claws, my muscles and nerves on high alert. Suddenly my ears perked up at the sound of some grunts and chirps. I quietly walk towards the sound, coming upon a clearing. My eyes widen and my mouth began to water when they landed on a herd of deer. 

"Alright Y/N you can do this." I whisper stalking towards one of the deer at the very edge of the clearing. 

I made sure not to step on any branches on my way to my ambush spot. I stop a few feet away from the deer making sure that I would get an easy kill. I lick my lips before jumping at the deer, sinking my sharp teeth into it's soft neck. It screeched out in pain alerting the other deer of a predator. I use more force and snap it's neck before jumping at another deer. This time I only caught the deer by it's back leg leaving multiple opportunities to try and escape. I thrash my head trying to bring the deer to the ground. It worked but the deer kept kicking me in the face eventually hitting me in the eye. I snarl in pain and let it go, it immediately trying to limp to safety. I paw at my eye to try and get the pain to go away. A few seconds later the pain subsided, my anger being directed toward the limping deer. I leap towards the deer, digging into it's back with my claws while my teeth sunk into it's neck. Just like the other deer it screeched in pain, but nothing was coming to help it. A few seconds passed before it finally stopped moving. I let go of it, breathing heavily. After regaining my breath I drag the body next to the other deer, looking down at the two triumphantly.

"That wasn't so bad." I smile grabbing a corpse with my arm

I grab the other corpse with my mouth turning around to walk by home. Right as I was about to start walking a loud growl stopped me in my tracks. I look behind me to see seven wolves snarling at me, eyeing the two corpses. 

"You're not getting them! I worked hard to get these deer!" I growl at them dropping the corpses behind me 

 The wolves turn their full attention on me making me a little nervous. After a few seconds of intense eye contact the leader suddenly charged at me. I met him half way biting into his side. He whimpers in pain, and the rest of his buddies attacked me. They bit into my sides, feet, and some tried to go for my large stomach. This made me panic, moving my body from side to side to try and get them off of me. I was able to fling some of them off of me but the others dug their teeth into my flesh, refusing to move. I flicked my tail hitting one of the wolves in the head, hearing a 'CRACK' noise before it's body fell to the ground limp. I focused on the alpha who was trying to reach my neck. I use my front claw to hit him acorss the face, and quickly pounced on him sinking my teeth into it's neck. It whimpers trying to push me off with his paws but in the end it was futile. A few seconds of my teeth on his neck he eventually fell limp. Just as I retract my teeth I'm suddenly slammed into from the side, causing me to fall on my left side. My large stomach was left vulnerable and the wolves noticed this. The remaining five wolves charged toward my stomach as I tried to get up. I was forced to try and defend myself from my side since there was no way that I'll be able to get up in time. I was able to push a couple of the wolves away with my feet and tail. After a few minutes of keeping them away they seem to grow smarter with a couple of them coming up from behind me. The two that came up behind me bit into my back, making me screech in pain. I wiggled and tried to hit them with my tail, only to miss them by mere inches. Another wolf hopped on top of me digging it's teeth into my flesh. I let out a blood curling scream as the wolf tried to pull a chunk of my flesh from my body. My eyes watered with tears when suddenly a voice called out.

"GET OFF OF MY MATE!" I heard 682 yell

The wolves didn't have time to react as she quickly hit two of them with her tail, immediately killing them. She grabbed the wolf on top of me throwing it into the ground before sinking her teeth into it's side, pulling some of it's organs from it's stomach. The other two wolves tried to run but 682 was quick to stop them. She wrapped her tail around one of the wolves neck before killing the other one with her claws. She slowly choked the last wolf to death as black dots appered in my vision. I watch her run over to me, softly nuzzling her head under my chin.

"Mate?" She asks me softly looking at me with worry

I open my mouth to try and say something but I didn't have the strength to. I just really wanted to go to sleep. She noticed this, causing her to worry even more.

"Hey don't go to sleep. Stay awake!" She shouts at me shaking me a little

I tried to focus in on her eyes but eventually staying awake became too much. My eyes slowly fluttered closed as 682's voice faded into nothing. 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now