Chapter 7

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Your POV

I could feel my blood oozing out of my wounds as Aaron stood above me, with his 'special' knife in hand.

"Let's go ahead and put you out of your-" He gets interrupted by the sudden blaring of the alarms

"ALL SCPS HAVE ESCAPED! I REPEAT ALL SCPS HAVE ESCAPED! ALL PERSONEL TRY AND-" The speaker was stopped and then a gurgling noise could be heard 

"Shit." Aaron mutters stuffing his knife into his waistband

He looks over at the guard who was looking at me in complete terror. I didn't know if it was from my condition or from the fear of the other SCPs. 

"Let's go. Standing there isn't going to do anything." Aaron orders walking out of the door

"Y-Yes sir." The poor guard stutters rushing out after him 

I whimper when the door close shut and I hear them lock it from the other side. I try to rip out of the chains, but in my present condition that is nearly impossible. After a few minutes of struggling I fall to the floor, exhausted. I let out a roar trying to get my mate to hear me, but it's too soft.

"Are you Y/N or also called SCP 683?" A voice asks from the darkness 

"Y-Yes. Who are y-you? Wait. Are you here to h-hurt me?"

"No I'm not here to hurt you. I am SCP-079. I'm here to reunite you with SCP 682."

"Where is she!?" I yell but it only comes out to be a whisper

"She's in the upper floors taking care of the guards. I will alert her of your location so stay put."

"It's not like I can go anywhere anyway..." I mutter as the room goes silent again

I try to keep myself entertained and my tail started to sway behind me excitedly. 

"Please hurry my mate..."

A few minutes pass and I start to grow sad. Maybe that SCP was lying. Maybe he was just trying to get my hopes up. What if he's luring something else to me!? I now start to grow anxious with every passing second, scared that something other than my mate is coming after me. Suddenly the door to my room slams open. I shut my eyes closed, hoping that whoever it was wasn't here to hurt me. 

"Mate?" I hear 682 whisper

"Mate!" I smile as my tail began to wag excitedly 

682 moves in front of me with a smile, but it quickly falters once she spots the chains and my injuries. A growl emits from her throat with her eyes slanting in anger. She grabs the chains, and with one powerful yank they all break. I try to stand up and greet her, but the pain from my wounds force me to the ground again. 682 is quick to help me up, giving me a gently nuzzle underneath my chin. I purr softly gently nuzzling her back.

"Let's go. We need to find a new home."

I nod and we begin to make our way to the door. 682's keeps her tail around my waist, keeping me up. She made sure to be in front of me making sure that nothing could hurt me. A few minutes later we reach the stairs, and I whimper at just the sight of them.

"Do you want me to carry you?" She asks turning to me

"Yes please." I beg looking up into her black orbs

She nods with a smile picking me up into her arms. A squeal escapes my lips and I cling onto her, not wanting to fall. 

"Don't worry." 682 chuckles, "I won't drop you."

I snuggle into her chest just for safe measures. I listen to the soft beating of her heart as she climbed the stairs. Her footsteps echoed throughout the hollow staircase until she suddenly stops in front of a door. I could see a one on the metal door and I assumed that this was floor one. 682 kicks open the door and softly places me down on the other side. Her tail finds it's way to my waist again, curling around me tightly. I snuggle up to her side causing her to wrap her arm around me, keeping me snug against her. I giggle placing a soft kiss to her cheek. 

"I love you so much my mate." I whisper 

"Love you too." 

We walk towards an average human sized door. I could see the outside through the class making me more and more excited with each step. 

"Where do you think you two are going?" A voice asks from behind 

We both turn around to see Aaron standing there.

"Who do you think you are human?" 682 snarls moving me behind her

"Well you may not know me but you're little girlfriend there does."

682 gives him a death glare, her tail giving me a reassuring squeeze.

"And how does she know you?"

"It's pretty evident. After all I left marks all over her body. I thought she was suppose to be tough ya know. Especially if she was your mate, but I was wrong. My knife cut into her skin just like butter. I wonder if your 'toughness' is just a lie." He smirks evilly pulling out his knife 

I whimper with fear as my eyes land on his knife. I slip my hand into 682's squeezing it to let her know that I was afraid.


682 let go of my hand before charging towards the human. He easily dodged her attack trying to hit her with his knife. She wraps her tail around one of his wrists, crushing it. He screams in pain falling to his knees while clutching his wrist. 682 leans down so that she's eye level with him.

"You are nothing but a weakling." She hisses

Aaron swipes his knife right at his face, but as soon as it hit her it shattered. He watched with shock eyes as the shards of the knife drops to the floor. 682 follows his eyes as well, spotting the shards of the knife on the floor. A dark chuckle escapes her throat and she slips her tail around his neck. Her grip looks tight, even from where I'm standing. 

"I think you're time is done." She smiles evilly showing off her sharp canines

He begins to choke scratching at her tail to try and let him go. It didn't work of course and soon his face began to turn purple. Within seconds he stopped moving altogether. 682 threw his body across the room looking at it in disgust. She walks back over to my shaking frame, gently picking me up.

"Come on. Let's go find a new home." She purrs kissing my neck 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now