Chapter 5

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Three days later...

??? POV

"I don't care about how well it's going. I want those two separated immediately." I growled 

"But sir it's going so well! I'm sure SCP 682 and 683 are close to breeding!"

"I don't give a flying fuck. I don't want another one of those things in this facility. We're lucky enough that SCP 683 didn't turn out like 682. Now listen here. I want them separated before the day ends or you're fired. Don't even think about trying anything behind my back either. If you do I swear to God I'll kill you in the worst way possible."


I hung up the phone rubbing my forehead in frustration. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes, grabbing one from the carton and rolling it between my fingers. 

"That damn scientist won't listen to my order. I ought to feed him to SCP 682.."

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I leaned back into my chair lighting up one of my cigarettes.

"Come in."

The door opened revealing Aaron, one of my head guards. I breathed in some of my cigarette before blowing it back out again. 

"What is it?"

"We've got a problem."

Your POV

682 has been acting weird lately. After she calmed down after the even with Maya she hasn't let me out of her sight. She always kept me by her side, and even if I did try to get up she would wrap her tail around my waist and pull me close to her. Like right now. She has her arms wrapped around me, and my back was against her front. I tried to get up from her arms for the ninth time today, but she of course kept her tight grip. Although I could see her shivering which was quite odd. 

"Where are you going?" She asked sleepily

"I was just going to get the other blankets. You seemed a little cold." I giggled placing a small kiss to her nose

Her face scrunched up causing me to laugh. She reluctantly let me go and I quickly jumped up to get the other blankets.  

682's POV

I looked at my mate as she ran over to the pile of blankets. She was so innocent. I've been trying to get her into 'the mood' so we could mate, but she doesn't pick up on them or she just becomes confused. She's almost too innocent for me. 

"Here." She smiled pulling one of the blankets over me

She started to build another one of those blanket nests around me. After making sure it was good enough she slipped under my blanket and snuggled close to me. I let out a small huff before wrapping my arm around her and pulling her against me. A small blush covered my cheeks as I felt her curl her tail around mine. She moved her head to my neck, gently nuzzling it as her smooth cheek came in contact with my rough skin. Her purrs were rather loud but I didn't mind. I was actually happy that she was happy. 

"You're so warm." Y/N whispered as she snuggled even closer 

For once in my life I smiled, pulling her underneath me to make sure she didn't get too cold. I peppered small kisses on her neck. I could've sworn I heard a tiny moan come from Y/N's mouth, but I wasn't too sure. I continued with determination to find what the humans called, her sweet spot. After a few seconds of nibbling I bit a certain spot making Y/N moan loudly. I smirked and slowly bit down on the spot with my canines. Y/N yelped in pain and a few seconds later I retracted them, quickly licking the blood that escaped the mark.

"Sorry mate. I just wanted to mark you." I whispered to her kissing her cheek

"I-It's okay." She whimpered, "I just wish you could've gave me a warning." 

I simply nodded and held her closer. Sadly our moment was ruined when the door suddenly opened. My eyes narrowed in anger as I saw multiple guards with these weird mask things on. They had some weird guns in their hands but before I could react they shot something into the room. A weird purple smoke began to fill the room although it didn't have much affect on me. Sadly though it seemed rather effective on Y/N. She scrambled away from me and the guards with a coughing fit. The guards started to move towards her but there was no way I was going to let them touch her.

Your POV

The purple gas filled my nostrils causing me extreme pain. My throat began to burn and my eyes began to water profusely. I stumbled into a corner where there was the only clean air left in my room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple of guards moving towards me. Although 682 pounced on them from the gas, clamping her jaws down on the torso of one. At least the gas didn't seem effective on her. The guards at the door way started to fire bullets at her, but just like the other times they didn't work. She continued to slaughter them all, moving into the hallway until a voice stopped her. 

"What do you think you all are doing!?" I saw Maya run towards a couple of guards with pure anger in her eyes

"Ma'am you need to stay back. We're doing an extraction."

"How come we weren't alerted of this!?" Maya stepped right into his personal space and got in his face

The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up making me nervous for Maya's safety. 

"It doesn't matter. Now move back." 

"I won't. This is-" The guard interrupted her by hitting her with his gun

I held myself back from attacking him as Maya fell to the floor, holding her nose. I could see a dark red liquid leaking through her fingers. A couple of the guards moved forward, seizing her by the arms.

"What should we do Captain?"

"Kill her."

"Sir she's-"

"Kill her. That's an order."

The guards shared a look before aiming their guns at Maya making her eyes widen. I couldn't stand by and hold myself back anymore. I just snapped. 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now