Chapter 9

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1 month later...

I smile happily as I walked through the peaceful woods. It's been about a month after our whole mating session and I couldn't be happier. My stomach has grown larger, signaling to me that it indeed was a success. I plan on telling 682 today since she didn't take notice of my small baby bump. Although I was back at our old prison to gather a few more blankets and pillows for the children. I wouldn't be a good mother if I couldn't keep them warm and safe!

"Hmm there should be a guard break room around here.." I whisper looking around the halls cautiously

My paws made soft thumps on the plant covered floor. I made sure my hearing was heightened, making sure that I could hear anything which maybe crawling around here. Eventually I found a break room, and luckily nothing had been in there. I must have some good luck since multiple blankets and a couple pillows were left in the room. With much excitement I gathered all the soft materials in my arms before walking out the door. I trot through the halls humming softly, not watching for any sort of danger. Mid hum I hear a soft squishing sound. It almost sounded like jello slapping against the floor. I qucikly go silent, carefully turning the corner to see what the mystery sound was. My eyes widen when they land on a small orange looking slime. It's eyes were pitch black, but it didn't seem to have a care in the world. It also seems to have mini arms, and it giggled when it picked up an empty bowl.

I debate on whether to approach the strange creature, but in the end I decide to avoid it. I don't know if it's dangerous or not and I don't want to risk it. Especially now that I have my children to keep safe. I take a deep breath before slowly walking across the hall. I was about three quarters of the way there when I suddenly stepped on a leaf. My breath hitched and I look back at the slime thing to see it looking at me. It cocked it's head to the side studying me with it's black eyes. We stared at each other for a few seconds until it took a step forward. Fear hit me like a truck and I immediately bolted, running down the hallway towards the exit. I didn't dare stop until I finally reached the entrance of my home. Although when I got there, there was a angry 682 waiting for me.

"And where have you been?" She growls pulling me into our home

I gulp nervously as my tail wags with guilt, "I-I went to the p-prison..."

"Again? I thought-"

"I went to grab more pillows and blankets for our offspring!" I quickly interjected

"Our what?"

My eyes widen when I realized I just ruined her surprise, "Our offspring. I'm pregnant.."

Her eyes widen in excitement as she picked me up, "I'm going to be a mother!!" She squeals spinning me around 

I giggle with her placing small kisses on her face. She softly places me down, pressing her two hands against my stomach. I could hear her purring as she placed a small kiss to my stomach. 

"I am happy that you're pregnant but that is another reason why you shouldn't go out. Especially to our prison." She scolds me stepping away

"I know, I know but I just wanted to make sure we have a comfortable nest for them. I don't want them to lay on the cold stone." I whimper looking down 

"Next time let me go with you okay?" She smiles lifting my head up

I smile looking up at her, "Okay." 

She kisses my forehead softly before taking the blankets and pillows from me, "Let's start building our nest shall we?" 

I nod my head excitedly but as soon as she placed the blankets down we heard something by the entrance of the cave.


Both of us froze in our spots before slowly turning around. My eyes widen when I spot the orange slime creature from earlier. It made eye contact with me and stretched it's tiny little arms out at me. 

"How does it know you?" 682 asks me still on alert

"I-I uh ran into it during my trip.."

682 slowly walks towards the creature before she suddenly sighs.

"I know who this is. It's SCP 999. It's practically harmless."

SCP 999 seemed to giggle as it reached out to touch 682's leg. 

"Wait how do you know it's name?" I ask as she dodged him

"I ran into it on one of my escape attempts. I heard the guards call it SCP 999 so I just put one and one together."

"Oh." I carefully walk towards 999 making it turn it's attention on to me, "Hmm I think I'm going to call you Bob."


"Yeah." I smile poking him

I held in a laugh as his whole body jiggled from that one touch. Suddenly he jumped at me, wrapping his little arms at me. 682 jumps forward trying to pull him off of me. 

"It's okay mate. He's not hurting me." I giggle trying to hug the small slime back 

"Awoo!" Bob spoke again hugging me tighter

I could hear 682 grumbling something behind me as Bob slowly let me go, staring at my stomach. 

"Awoo?" He tilts his head placing his small little hands on my stomach

"Look mate! I think he knows that I'm pregnant!" I smile placing my hands on Bob's small head

"Oh well that's nice." She grumbles keeping her eyes on him

He starts to lean in towards my stomach until 682 suddenly pushed him away.

"They're mine! Stay away!" She growls making him shrink away

"Hey!" I shout pushing her away, "He's not trying to do anything! Don't yell at him!"

She doesn't say anything and storms off. I watch her leave the cave and my anger begins to simmer down. Instead it's replaced by worry. I look down at Bob who was also watching 682 storm off.

"Do you think she'll come back?" I ask him softly pulling him close


"Yeah I'm sure she'll come back. She just needs to clear her head for a bit..." 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now