Chapter 4

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Your POV

I snuggled into my blankets as Maya left my room. My eyes were just about to flutter closed when I heard a commotion outside my room.

"TELL ME!" I heard 682 yell, "WHERE IS MY MATE!?"

"682?" I whispered inching closer to my door

I scratched at the door, wanting to go to her. I could smell the human guards from inside my room, making me even more worried. Whimpers left my mouth as I body slammed the door desperate to get out and check on her. Sadly the steel door didn't budge, leaving me sore on half of my body. The commotion had died down so I assumed the guards had somehow forced 682 further down the hall. My tail drooped in sadness and I walked back to my fortress of blankets. I plopped down on them huffing in frustration. 

Timeskip 2 hours 

I must've fallen asleep since I was woken up by someone shaking me. Slowly opening my eyes I see a nervous guard looking at me. He must've been new because he was literally shaking in his boots. I lifted my head making him jump back. Although I ignored him as a delicious scent found my nose. My mouth began to water as I turned my head to the wonderful smell. I looked towards the door to see a cart full of food. I ran over to the cart and grabbed the handle with my mouth, pulling the cart into my room. There was plenty of F/F, meat, and other food items I have never seen before. Right as I was about to dig in I noticed that the guard was still in the room. I growled at him and he quickly got the memo, running out of the room. I sunk my teeth into a piece of steak digging into my dinner. Half way through though I noticed that the guard never closed the door. I swallowed some F/F before cautiously walking out of my room. There was no guards in sight which surprised me. I didn't know where to go but my legs seem to have a mind of their own. I started walking towards 682's room.

I almost ran into some guards but I was able to dodge them. After a few more minutes of keeping a low profile I made it to her room. My tail wagged with happiness as I stared at the steel door in front of me.

"Mate?" I whispered to the door slightly scratching at it

I didn't receive an answer which saddened me. I was about to try and smash the door down until I heard a voice.

"Hey! What are you doing out of your room?!"

I froze in my spot turning around to see multiple guards and 682. 682's eyes widened as she saw me. She tried to walk towards me but she was immediately shocked with a shock stick. She  growled in pain and bit the poor guard's head off. The other's immediately tried to detain her only to meet the same fate. 682 stood in the middle of their decapitated bodies with pure anger in her eyes. She looked back at me, her eyes meeting my E/C ones. She took a step forward but before she could do anything else I ran towards her. Her eyes widened in surprise as I snuggled up to her, purring softly. After a second of hesitation she wrapped her arms around me.

"Mate~" She purred placing her head on top of mine

A few minutes of hugging later I tried to pull away only to have her hug me tighter.

"We have to get out of the hallway." I whispered to her, "More guards will come."

"So? Let them come. I'll take care of them just like I did with the others."

"But you can get hurt." I whimpered giving her my puppy eyes

She tried to hold her ground but in the end she caved.

"Fine. Let's go to my room." She huffed grabbing my hand

"No." I muttered holding my ground, "How about we go to mine? They don't have any devices like the ones in your room in mine. They won't be able to separate us."

682 raised an eyebrow in surprise before she let me pull her along. Luckily we didn't run into anymore guards and we safely made it to my room. Once we were in I closed the door behind us. 682 stared at my food and blankets suspiciously making me giggle. I laid down on my back outstretching my arms to her.

"It's okay. Blankets aren't going to hurt you."

"I wasn't scared of them." She huffed laying next to me

"Sure you weren't my bid bad alpha." I giggled as she wrapped her arms around me

She rolled her eyes at me wrapping her tail around my waist. A couple minutes of silence passed before she decided to break it.

"Did you miss me?" She asked softly

I blushed softly and looked up at her with my tail moving happily.

"Yes." I smiled snuggling my head underneath her chin

Our little moment was ruined when my door suddenly opened. 682 let out a growl and I spotted Maya by the door.

"You." 682 snarled at her as she got up stalking towards her

My eyes widened and I quickly got up, and jumped in between the two.

"No. Don't hurt her. She's a friend." I stated staring into 682's black eyes

"She wouldn't tell me where you were earlier. She tried to keep me away from you!" She shouted taking a step forward

"She was probably scared of you!" I shouted back, "She's been trying to set up a way for me to see you again!"

682 eyes widened in surprise for the second time, probably shocked that I yelled back at her.

"Y/N." Maya spoke to me, "You need to-"

"Please just leave Maya. Come back later. Please." I begged her turning around

"Y/N I can't just-"

"Please." I whispered tears gathering in my eyes, "Just give my mate sometime to cool down."

She bit her lip in hesitation before finally leaving. I turned around to see my mate fuming.

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now