Chapter 11

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I pick up my unconscious mate running towards our home. Her slow labored breaths didn't help my panicked state, and a wave of guilt came over me. I shouldn't have gotten jealous of that stupid orange blob. I should have stayed behind with her so she didn't have to go out to hunt, so this didn't have to happen. My worry increased when I saw how close some of the wolves' claw marks were to my mates pregnant belly. A low growl erupts from my throat as I run even faster to our home. When I arrive home I'm met with Bob who looks up at me with happy eyes. He outstretched his arms, but he quickly notices that they are full. His eyes fill with worry when he spots unconscious Y/N in them. He makes little whimper noises when I walk pass him, and he tries to reach up towards Y/N.

"No you can't see her now." I tell him dragging one of the blankets away from the others before placing Y/N down on it 

I kept the small orange blob away from her with my tail as I look for any kind of bandages. 

"Come on." I growl to myself, "I knew we have bandages! Where are they!?" 

After a few minutes of angrily looking around I felt something hit my tail.

"Awoo!" I hear Bob shout

I turn to see a roll of white bandages in his small hands. I sigh in relief grabbing the bandages from him.

"Thank you Bob." I state patting his head

"Woo!" He smiles 

I quickly return to Y/N's side, doing the best that I can to clean out her wounds. I carefully wrap the bandages over her wounds, hoping that her healing factor will come in soon. I sit back keeping my eyes on Y/N's slow labored breaths. 


I look over to my right to see Bob looking up at me. One of his little hands is on my leg, and I assume he was asking to get on my lap. 

"Come on." I sigh picking him up 

"Woo!" He cheers once I place him on my lap 

The little smile he has on his face fades when he spots the white bandages around Y/N. He seems to slump in my lap obviously sad and worried. 

"It's okay. She'll be okay." I try to reassure him, although it awfully sounds like I was trying to assure myself

Timeskip four days

I drag in another deer's corpse hoping that Y/N is awake. I drop the corpse by the wall rushing over to Y/N. My shoulders slump when I see that she is still unconscious. Bob is still by her side since I left for my hunt. 

"You're watch is over now." I chuckle sitting beside him, "I'm back from the hunt." 

Bob shook his head refusing to move, although he snuggles into my side his tiny little orbs still on Y/N's body. 

"You need to go eat. You haven't eaten in a few days." I told him sternly making him 'pout' at me, "Don't give me that face. You know it's true."

"Awoo..." He mumbles moving over to the deer corpse 

I turn my attention back at Y/N taking her hand into mine. I softly rub her knuckles, bringing it to my lips so I could place a delicate kiss on her hand. 

"I'm sorry.." I mutter scooting closer to her, "I should've stayed. I shouldn't have gotten jealous over Bob. Just please come back. Please.." I look at her sleeping face placing my other hand on her cheek

I look at her for a few minutes hoping that she would wake up or there would be some kind of movement, but there was none. I sigh giving her hand a squeeze before starting to walk towards our dinner. Although my eyes widen when I hear a soft voice.


Your POV

I look up at my mate with tired eyes. My side stung with pain as she rushes over to me. 

"Y-Y/N!" She cries hugging me tightly 

I tense up once her hands press up against my side. I look down to see white bandages around my torso and chest. 

"W-What happened?" 

"You don't remember?" 682 asks


"You were attack by a pack of wolves while out hunting. I managed to kill them all but you were gravely inquired." 

My eyes widen, "What about our o-offspring? Are they okay?" I ask placing my shaking hand on my belly 

"I-I don't know." 682 whispers, "There was nothing bleeding come from your lower abdomen so I believe they're okay."

I'm about to say something when I'm interrupted.

"AWOOOO!" I hear Bob shout

I turn to face him only to be engulfed in a hug. I giggle giving him a small hug. 

"Hey Bob. You miss me?" I ask smiling 

"Awoo." He responds nodding 

He snuggles into me, closing his eyes in contentment. I look over to 682 not wanting her to be jealous since that is what caused her to run away. Surprisingly she doesn't look jealous at all. In fact, she looks happy. She turns away from us walking over to the wall before grabbing something. My eyes widen when I see her carrying a deer. 

"Here. You haven't had anything to eat in who knows how long." She states setting it down next to me

My stomach growls, answering before I could even speak. I smile grabbing the deer and pulling it close, sinking my teeth into it's body. I quickly scoff down the delicious meat, the feeling of hunger disappearing from my body. A few minutes later I push the deer away taking a deep breath because of how full I am. Bob left my side, grabbing the carcass somehow, and drags it outside.

"Have you been training him?" I ask 682 

"A little." She shrugs

I laugh and try to sit up to go over to the blankets. I'm getting cold and one blanket isn't enough to keep me warm. Although my attempt is stopped by 682. 

"What are you trying to do?"

"I just want to get up. I'm cold." I pout trying to get up again

"Here. I'll carry you." She walks over to me and picks me up bridal style

I let out a yelp and wrap my arms around her neck. She chuckles walking us over to the pile of blankets. She softly places me down on the multicolor pile, placing a small kiss to my forehead. She turns to walk away and I whimper drawing back her attention. I stretch my arms out to her making her laugh before she climbs into the pile with me. I giggle as she wraps her arms around my pregnant belly protectively. 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now