Chapter 2

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Your POV

My eyes widened at what 682 just said. W-We couldn't be mates..could we? Suddenly she started to drag me towards the corner of her cell, where I assume her 'bed' was. I whimpered and dug my claws into the floor. 682 growled yanking her tail, making me loose my grip. She picked me up and laid me on her bed. Her tail remained at my waist while she curled up around me. One of her arms forced my back against her front, making me flush red. 682 didn't mind though as some type of purring sound came from her as she nuzzled my neck.

"I think we need to pull her out Will. Boss only said three minutes."

"I'm not pulling her out! SCP-682 has never had an interaction like this! Look at how calm she is!" 

I looked over at the glass where I could see the two scientists. They continued to argue until something beside them rang. He picked it up, and I could see him talking to someone before slamming the strange device down.

"Fine. We'll pull her out. I want more interactions in the future with SCP 683 and 682."

682 let out a low growl once the door opened. I could see the guards shaking at the doorway. I started to get up, not wanting to have any bloodshed, only to have 682 pull me down.

"You're staying with me my precious mate." She growled tightening her tail around me causing me to yelp in pain 

She removed her tail before rushing the guards. She sank her teeth into a guard's thigh, dragging him into the room. He screamed in pain as she ripped his leg clean off. I watched in complete horror once 682 grabbed his neck, and bit his head clean off. I closed my eyes tightly and turned around not wanting to see anymore bloodshed. I tried to cover my ears, but I could still hear the screams and flesh being torn from bodies. Eventually it all stopped with the sound of a door slamming. I heard 682 grumble, and she slowly approached me. Her footsteps stopped right in front of me, and something landed in front of my nose. It smelled horrid, and I opened my eyes to see a horrific sight. A guard's body lay in front of me, his eyes barely in his skull, with both an arm and a leg missing.

"Eat." 682 demanded

"I-I'm n-not hungry." I mumbled as my eyes stayed trained on the body

"Eat." She growled again

I shook my head no. I began to tremble as she bared her teeth in anger.

"I just killed them for us to eat. It's rude to refuse food from your mate." 

"I-I a-already ate."

Her eye twitched in anger and she quickly grabbed the body, dragging it away from me. She started to eat it herself, distracting her from me. I slowly got up, gaining the attention of the scientists who watched me carefully. They saw me approach the door and one of them hovered above something. Right as I got to the door it opened and I ran out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I could see 682 looking at me with sadness, anger, and betrayal. She ran towards me just as the door slammed shut. She slammed against the door and visible dents started to become visible. Although she suddenly stopped, and a few seconds later I could hear her hissing in pain. Eight guards rushed towards me backing me away from the cell. They guided me back to my own cell, having their trusty shocking sticks at the ready. We eventually made it to my cell, and they quickly opened it allowing me to run in. 


I hissed in pain as the acid dug into my skin. I glared at the humans behind the glass with pure and utter hatred. When I get out of here again I'm going to rip their flesh from their bodies. 

"I told you both that this was a bad idea." One of the humans growled, "Imagined if Y/N didn't escape."

"And would that be so bad?" The other one hissed

"SCP 682 is bad enough! We got lucky that Y/N didn't share her views!"

The other one rolled his eyes at his colleague. 

"We could've gotten an offspring from them."

I turned my head curious, now interested in what they were talking about.

"For fucks sake Will! We're trying to destroy SCP 682! Not allow her to breed! Have you forgotten her motives!?"

"I haven't Clark. Neither has the boss. All I'm saying is that either situation wouldn't be so bad. Y/N escaped so we have more opportunities with 682, and other SCPs. If she didn't escape then we would've had an offspring."

So Y/N's not like me hm? I guess that means she will make a better mate than I originally thought. 

Clark shook his head, growling angrily. 

"You don't even see the danger in anything! Not even your stupid SCP pairings!"

"Watch your tongue Clark. I won't hesitate to feed you to SCP 682." 

Clark looked over at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. He gulped and turned back to his companion. 

"Fine but when everything goes wrong, don't blame me." He growled, storming out and slamming the door

A few seconds later another human walked in, holding one of their useless weapons. 

"Sir? Shall we proceed with the other meeting on Tuesday?" 

Will placed down his clipboard, rubbing his nose. 

"Yes. Prepare SCP 079. I also want an update on Y/N on Tuesday."

"Of course sir."

The other man walked out leaving Will alone. I walked up to the glass, growling showing off my canines. He rolled his eyes picking up his clipboard. 

"I know what you're capable of 682." He sighed, "Although you really shouldn't be threatening me. I'm the only one that can help you see Y/N again."

I glared at him, and he stared right back not backing down. I snarled and slammed my tail at the window cracking it. I turned around in anger, not wanting to even face the bastard anymore.

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now