Chapter 3

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Four days later

Your POV

A purr escaped my mouth as I snuggled into something called a blanket. The humans added a couple to my room thinking that the 682 experience traumatized me. I mean she kind of did, but I feel bad about just leaving her like that. She only wanted to protect me and keep me safe. Suddenly I felt a pang in my chest making me whimper. I curled up in the pile of blankets, with my claws tightly grabbing them. I tossed and turned trying to make the pain go away. I heard the door open before hearing footsteps coming towards me. 

"Y/N? Are you alright?" 

I turned around to see a girl with long brown hair and green eyes. She wore a blue shirt with a brown skirt. I recognized her to be the new assistant scientist, Maya. 

I only nodded in response to her question

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I only nodded in response to her question. She sat down next to me and I placed my head in her lap. 

"Are you still thinking about 682?"

"Yes." I mumbled 

"I'm sure she'll understand Y/N. I can see how she can scare people and other SCPs so easily." Maya ran her hand over my scales making me purr 

I told Maya a couple days ago about 682 and running away from her. She said I was feeling something called guilt. I don't really know what it is but if it's the explanation behind the pain in my chest I'll take it. 

"Do they plan on letting me see her again?" I asked softly as my tail wagged with hope

"I don't know." My tail stopped wagging and drooped to the floor, "682 has been acting awfully wild. I don't think they'll let you see her until she calms down."

I sulked even more causing her to sigh.

"I can see if they'll let you see her. I know she's suppose to meet SCP 079 later today.."

"Really? You'll do that for me?!" I looked up at her smiling 

Maya's lips curved into a smile.

"Of course. I don't like to see you sulking around. Whatever will make you happy."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I nuzzled under her chin almost making her fall

"Okay, okay!" She giggled trying to push me away, "You don't have to thank me!"


My door opened once again and I could see the guards shaking in their boots. 

"682 please try and understand that we only want to introduce you to SCP 079." That damn scientist from earlier spoke but he only earned a growl from me

"I DON'T WANT TO MEET SCP 079 GIVE ME Y/N!" I roared charging at the glass 

I smashed my tail against the glass, seeing visible cracks in the material. 

"Remember what I told you 682. I'm the only one that can let you see her again." 

"OR I CAN JUST BREAK THROUGH THE DAMN GLASS AND KILL YOU ALL. THEN I'LL HUNT HER DOWN MYSELF." I slammed my tail against the glass again only to feel the familiar pain of acid

I hissed in pain and backed away from the window. I felt another shot of acid in my back. I swiftly turned around to see the guards firing the acid at me. I dodged some of them, but it still hurt like hell. Eventually I tired myself out and collapsed to the floor in visible pain. The guards quickly moved forward clamping a metal collar around my neck. The others held their guns at the ready in case I tried anything. They hauled me to my feet before walking me out the door. I let out a low moan of pain, hoping my mate responded. A few seconds passed and my hope faded. Although it was back when I heard my mate return a call. She sounded close! I let out another low moan, but this time the guards heard it.

"Shut up will ya?" One of them hissed smacking me with their gun

"HEY! Watch what you're doing you idiot! Do you want to be this beasts dinner?!" The leader shouted

The guard that hit me quickly shook his head no and stood a few feet away from me. As we walked the halls we passed a female human in front of a door. She had long brown hair, green eyes, and-wait. She smelled like my mate. She must know where she is! I lunged at her but the collar on my neck stopped me, as well as a few shots of acid from guards. 

"TELL ME!" I shouted at the woman startling her, "WHERE IS MY MATE!?"

She only looked at me shocked, and the guards continued to drag me away. 

"I'm going to murder every single one of you." I snarled showing off my sharp teeth 

From that point on the guards had their guns at the ready, aiming at me. We eventually stopped in front of another metal door. A few seconds later it opened and the guards quickly shoved me in. The door closed behind me as I ripped the metal collar off my neck. I looked around the new room to see multiple cords that connected to a screen sitting on a desk. I slowly approached it, on guard. Suddenly the screen turned on to reveal a face, one side was black while the other was white. It didn't have any eyes, so I bore into the pure white pits in where the eyes would be. 

"You must be SCP 682." It spoke it's voice a little fuzzy

"I am. What of it?"

"I heard and saw that you have a mate. Separated and taken away by the humans. Her name is Y/N correct?"

I growled at him. How did he even know this?!

"What do you want with her? How do you even know these things?"

"I am a 'coded' AI 682. I can access anything in this base. I saw the interaction you had with Y/N. She's gets along with the humans very well doesn't she?"

"Enough!" I snarled, "What are you leading this to?"

"I just want to help." 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now