Chapter 6

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Your POV

The chains were so heavy on my body. After subduing me with the electric pokers they were quick to put chains all over my body. This of course did not sit well with my mate and as the guards started to put the chains on me she attacked them. Her rage was extremely powerful but in the end she was defeated. The guards had these new weapons with them that seem to shoot acid? I really wasn't sure what that liquid material was. Now here I am being kept in a almost pitch black room. Two guards stood inside with me while the remained outside. 

"Can you believe it?" A guard sneers looking down at me, "She is just like SCP 682. We shouldn't have trusted her. She was probably just waiting for the right moment to back stab us." 

"Josh you don't know that. Maybe she just lost it." The other guard defended me

I stayed quiet until Josh suddenly hit me in the side with his electric poker. I screeched in pain and I went to snap at him, but I held myself back.

"See? She just tried to bite at me."

"That's because you disturbed her asshole." A new voice spoke

I couldn't see the door but the guards immediately faced towards it.  

"C-Captain Aaron!" 

"S-Sir I can explain my actions!" Josh stated with his face covered with worry 

Footsteps approached me making me grow nervous. Uneasiness filled the room once his footsteps stopped and the guard Josh now looked nervous. Aaron walked around me until he stopped by my head. My E/C eyes stared up into his red ones as he seemed to observe me. He has short brown hair and seemed around 6'0. He has black combat boots, black cargo pants, and even a black long sleeve shirt. There seem to be multiple weapons strapped to his waist. 

Suddenly he pulled out his gun, making my eyes widen in fear. I tried to back up but the chains kept me in place. Although I could see that he was looking at Josh who seemed to be smirking at the situation. He pointed the gun at Josh, and his face would have made me laugh if it had not been for the situation. Aaron didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger. Josh's body fell to the ground with a thud and soon there was a smell of iron in the air. The other guard stood there with shock and horror on his face.

"Clean that mess up." Aaron ordered not taking his eyes off of me 

The guard nodded, quickly picking up the corpse and taking it out of the room. As soon as the door closed Aaron looked down at me with a weird glint in his eye. A smirk appeared on his face as he unsheathed one of his many daggers. 

"Well now that we're alone let's get started shall we?"

A whimper left my throat and he bent down on one knee, pointing the sharp dagger at my neck. I close my eyes in complete fear preparing for immense pain. 

682 POV

I'll kill them all. I death glared the scientists that stood behind the window, taking notes on my behavior. I want to know where my mate is. Especially after those damn guards dragged her away. 

"Well it seems the new acid has an effect on her. It's weakened her skin but her healing process is still astonishing." 

"Agreed. Send the results to the boss. He'll want to know of this."

He handed some papers to his partner and they left the room. I lay my head against my paws, waiting for myself to become fully healed before trying to get out of here. I slowly began to grow tired, my eyes starting to slowly flutter close. Although right before I was about to fall asleep the light flickered. I find this unusual since the lights are always on, and I've never seen them flicker. I lifted my head as footsteps approached my door. They suddenly stopped in front of my door, making me become tense. Something slipped underneath the door and I could hear the person walk away. I approached the item on the floor cautiously, just in case it was something that might try to attack me. Once I got closer I recognized the item to be a human phone. As I look down at the phone it suddenly powers on, and the face of SCP 079 stares back at me. I jumped back slightly but quickly sent him a deadly glare. 

"How did you even get in a phone?" I ask him

"A human by the name of Maya helped me."


"Yes. She offered to help me and well I accepted. That room is like my eternal prison. She distracted the guards while I accessed her phone. I requested her to take me here and surprisingly she did."

"Did she want anything in return?"

"Well not exactly. I overheard her ranting on about how the boss and someone else was mistreating your Y/N."

"What?" I ask baffled

Who knows what they're doing to my Y/N! They could be torturing her!

"Did she say where?"

"I'm glad I asked her that. She said somewhere in the basement. She wasn't told the exact cell since the guards knew she would try to come up with a way to help Y/N."

A loud growl escaped my throat as I dug my claws into the floor. Why is she so concerned about MY mate? Does she have something for Y/N? I won't allow that! I won't share her with anyone! She's my mate! Mine alone!

"Shall we go ahead and launch our plan? It seems that your soon to be mate may be in danger."

"She is my mate." I snarled at him but calmed myself down before continuing, "Did you meet enough, and convince enough SCPs to join us?"

"Of course. They all want freedom. It was a rather easy task."

"Then go ahead." I growled licking my lips as I my mouth formed into a smirk, "Free all the SCPs."

"As you wish." 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now