Chapter 12

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8 months later....

Your POV 

I take in deep breathes as the cramps got worse. I grip the blankets underneath me tightly, Bob looking on with worry. 

"UGH! DO SOMETHING BOB!" I yell my claws scratching against the smooth, cold stone 

Bob jumps in surprise his jello body recuperating his movement, the wiggles spreading across his small body. He quickly snaps out of it though, running out of the cave to find 682. She is out hunting at the moment since I had a sudden crave for bear and deer meat. 

"Awoo!" He yells running out of the cave

He stops a few feet away making sure nothing trys to attack me while he calls out to 682 again.

"AWOOO!" He screams waving his little arms looking for her frantically, "AWOOOOO!"

I groan in pain as another cramp hit me. I close my eyes clutching onto my large belly almost painfully.

"Kill me now.." I sob softly rolling a blanket around me 

I can still hear Bob calling for 682, and a sudden wave of anger came over me. 

"MATE YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" I scream, the vibrations bouncing off the walls

A few seconds after my scream I felt something wet trailing down my legs. The cramps got even worse and I could feel something pushing at my lower lips, trying to push out. I try and take deep breathes once I begin to push. I hear running footsteps approaching me before a hand intertwines with mine. 

"Mate? Are you okay?!" 682 asks looking down at my form

"DO I LOOK OKAY?!" I snap reopening my eyes, "I'M IN LABO!"

"Okay, okay." 682 states backing up a little bit

I take in deep breathes trying to ease out my erratic breathing. 

"You can do it baby." 682 whispers encouraging me 

I bite my lower lip in pain continuing to push out our baby. 682 continues her encouragement whispering sweet nothings in my ears while placing soft kisses on my face. After a few minutes of pushing I finally was able to push the shoulders out. Loud crying filled the cave, bouncing off of it's grey walls. 

"Just a couple more love." 

I simply nod trying to focus on my movements. Out of the corner of my eye I see Bob putting something blue on his little hands. He rushes over to me getting in between my legs. 682 let out a low warning growl but Bob ignored her.

"Woo!" Bob seem to tell me urging me on 

Three pushes later the pressure is gone and the crying has gotten louder. Bob wraps the small baby in a blanket before handing it to me. 

"Awoo." He pats my cheek going back to my legs

I check the baby to see that it's a girl. A smile lit up my face as I place a kiss on the girl's forehead. I look up at 682 to also see a smile on her face.

"How about Alsie?" I ask her

"Alsie." She smiles handing her our daughter

Right when I was about to relax another cramp hit me. 

"FUCK!" I curse throwing my head back against my pillow

"AWOO!" Bob yells pointing at me and then Alisa

"She's just been born! She doesn't understand me yet!" I yell back 

Bob shakes his head in disagreement but he doesn't say anything. 682 uses her unoccupied hand to grab mine, gently rubbing my knuckles. Cramps continue to attack me and they are much worse than the first ones. I push on cue with one of the more stronger cramps making me grab a nearby rock out of stress. Although the poor rock's life was cut short when I squeezed it too hard, crushing it into small pieces. 

"Woo woo. Awoo woo." Bob states but I don't know what he means this time

I look over at 682 to see if she understood him but she only shook her head in confusion. I take in another deep breath of quality oxygen before giving one big push. Another baby's cries fills the cave once more making me cringe slightly from how loud it is. It took me much longer to get the baby out, but through much perseverance and cursing I am finally able to deliver it. Bob shows me the baby, and it turns out to be a boy. He wraps him in another fluffy blanket, handing him to me. 

"What should we name him?" 682 asks looking at her son

"How about you name him? I pratically named Alisa." I chuckle kissing her cheek

"Hmm what about Logan?"

"Perfect." I smile kissing Logan's forehead before giving him to his mother

682 walks off to the main area of the cave where our nest was. Bob starts to take off his hand protectors when another last minute cramp hit me. 

"BOB! THEY'RE NOT DONE YET!" I warn grabbing my swollen stomach

Bob jumps in surprise quickly rolling his gloves back down his hands. I could hear my mate scarmbling in the background, trying to keep our children safe while at the same time trying to get back to my side. Luckily my cramps aren't as bad they're rather tolerable. Bob continues to encourage me in his awoo language as 682 walks back into the room. She reaches my side just in time for the third cry of a child to breach the air. I continue to push and the little one is finally born after four more pushes. Bob hands me the last baby and starts to take off his gloves again. The baby is another girl and I'm happy to have the little one in our family. Although she is much smaller than Logan and Alisa. 682 notices this as well.

"She so small." She states leaning closer 

"And? Caia is part of our family. It shouldn't matter whether she's the same size as Logan and Alisa. I mean I'm not the same size as you.." 

"I know." 682 smiles just as Caia places a small hand on her nose

We wait a few more mintues to make sure I didn't have any more cramps. Luckily I didn't making me sigh in relief. Bob walks over to me patting my cheek and smiling before walking else where in the cave. 

"I don't know if I'll let you get me pregnant again. That really hurt."

"Really?" 682 pouts

"Maybe." I giggle sitting up to kiss her cheek

We gaze into each others eyes for a few seconds before I interrupt the silence.

"I love you." I whisper resting my forehead against hers

"I love you too." 682 smiles 

Caia makes a cooing noise just as her hand moves between our faces. Both 682 and I look down at her with big smiles.


This may or may not be the last chapter. I orginally planned this book to only have 10 chapters and I've already gone over that with two chapters. I'm also beginning to get tired of this story so this also seems like a good place to end. 

Fem!SCP-682 x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now