rubik's cube

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Clementine sat down on her bed and stared at the twisty puzzle in her hand, wondering how the hell she was going to solve this monstrosity. "....Okay, what the fuck?"

She turned the sides a couple of sides, even more perplexed when it got even more scrambled. She groaned, dropping the puzzle and flopping backwards onto the pillows. "Who invented this thing?"

She heard a familiar jangle of car keys and the front door open and close. "Clem, I'm home!"

"I'm upstairs!"

Her girlfriend Violet appeared in the doorway of their bedroom, chuckling when she saw how mentally exhausted Clementine was. "You okay?"

Clementine covered her face with her arms. "Rubik's cubes are hard."

Violet scoffed, picking up the cube. "I got this."

About a minute later, Violet tossed the cube onto Clementine's stomach. Clementine sat up, mouth agape. There the cube was, solved and mocking her.

Violet laughed at Clementine's expression, kissing the dark skinned girl on the cheek. "Impressed?"

"How........................HOW!? I've been sitting here for two hours trying to figure this shit out! And you just waltz in here and solve the goddamn puzzle in one minute! WHAT?!"

Violet sat down next to her on the bed. "I'll teach you if you want."

"Please do."


-2 hours later-

"Clem, I love you, but you are impossible to teach."

"It's the cube's fault! It doesn't make sense!"


so this was.......really short

i have EXTREME writer's block im sorry

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