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A few nights later Ashton tries to forget about his feelings for Kristine. He invites the boys round, preparing for a night of video games and shitty food, and when they are five minutes late he texts Luke.

How long you guys gonna be?

Luke texts back:

Give us another ten minutes, we're trying to get Michael out

Ashton puts his phone down and sits on the sofa garage twiddling his thumbs.

When they finally arrive Michael is nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Mikey?" Ashton asks opening up the garage door to let them in.

"He, um... doesn't feel so good," Luke says, shakily.

"We tried," Calum adds.

Ashton sighs, secretly annoyed, but trying to seem like he doesn't care. The one time he'd actually have to hang out with just his 3 best friends in the past few weeks and one of them can't make it. The boys plan to stay over so Ashton brings down pillows and blankets down from the house and dumps them on the sofa.

"So guys, what are we doing first?" Ashton says, excitedly.

When he looks up he sees the two boys with their phones in their hands. He fills with rage and coughs making them look up.

"Ok, you know what, no phones tonight this is our time, screw Riley and Alexis," Ashton breaks slamming his hand on the arm of the sofa.

"I already did," Calum says with a smirk and Luke gives him a subtle high five.

Ashton snatches the phones from their hands.

"Hey," Luke says.

"I was mid text," Calum whines.

"No, you're always on your phones," Ashton sighs.

"I know, we're sorry," Luke says and Calum nods.

"Well, so you learn your lesson I will be giving these to Lauren, to look after," Ashton chuckles.

Their eyes widden as both of them know that if you want anything back in the same condition you don't give it to Lauren.

"Dude, we said we were sorry, no need to do anything rash," Calum pleads almost.

"Too late," Ashton says.

He looks at the two phones with the text conversations still up, Calum and Rileys' conversations are the basic fluffy, pukey stuff but when Ashton flicks through Luke's he is shocked, sexting is the least that could be said.

He glares at Luke, "And I thought Calum was bad"

"No, don't read that," Luke shouts.

"I'm locking this before I give it to Lauren, not even I want to see this," Ashton tuts.

He jogs up the stairs and knocks on Lauren's door.

"Ollo," Lauren says swinging the door open.

"Can you look after Luke and Calums' phones so they can't use them?" he asks.

"As long as they know the risks," she sniggers taking the phones.

"Oh, where's my hoodie?" he asks remembering he had loaned it to her.

"I put it in your room," she replies closing her door.

He quickly visits his room seeing the hoodie on his bed and puts it on quickly glancing out his window into Kristine's. He has to double take as he sees there, sat on her bed, cuddled up close with a guitar across their legs are Michael and Kristine. Jealously and hurt boils and curses through his veins, he's teaching her guitar, and they're laughing, and they're really close, never mind the fact that Michael is supposed to be unwell. Suddenly overcome by rage he storms downstairs trying to calm himself when he rejoins the boys in the garage.

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