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Ashton starts to miss his friends, even Michael, even though Michael has essentially stolen the love of his life from right under his nose. He especially misses Luke and Calum, since they got girlfriends they've been neglecting not only the band but their friendship.

When Ashton's had enough he texts the boys 'Band practice today, you have no choice, we haven't practiced in forever'

Luckily they don't object anyway even if they moan a little when they find out that they're not allowed to bring the girls along.

"Gah... I can't hit that note anymore," Luke whines massaging his throat.

"This is what happens when you neglect practicing," Ashton sighs.

"It's not like I've not been practicing, just not as much as usual, besides it's different when the drummer is using the wrong kind of drumsricks," Luke gestures to the fluffy ended beaters in Ashton's hands.

"Well so-rry, I've not had a chance to go and buy any new ones, I broke all of mine," he sighs.

"Dude, how hard to you hit those drums?" Calum chuckles a little.

"Harder than is probably good for these drums," he runs a finger across the high hat.

"Guys, we're just a little rusty there's nothing to worry about," Michael says.

"Come on let's get on with practice," Calum adds.

Ashton shakes his head, "Nah, I'm beat lets just chill for a little while"

He collapses onto the sofa and the other three follow in his footsteps.

"Hows Kristine doing?" Luke asks.

"I think she's okay," Ashton replies without thinking.

When he looks up he finds the three boys staring at him with a mixture of expressions, suddenly the realisation hits that Luke was talking to Michael.

"I think Luke was talking to me," Michael clarifies. "Why did you think you'd have to answer?"

"I dunno, Kristine's, like, my best friend," Ashton stutters out.

"Don't lie Ashton we all know you like her," Calum chuckles. "You even admitted it"

"Wait what?" Michael nearly shouts.

"You're telling me you didn't know," Luke says. "It's so obvious"

"No I didn't have a clue," Michael hisses.

"Oooo, interesting," Luke grins only to be hit by Calum and he starts to fake crying.

"You actually like my girl?" Michael seems angry at this point.

"Hey, wait up, who says she's your girl?" Ashton stands looking down at Michael.

Michael brings out his phone standing too, "Since she said yes when I asked her to be my girlfriend?"

"You asked her out?" Ashton's eyes widen.

"Of course I did, she was struggling to chose between me and some other guy, I figured that guy was you," Michael says. "I guess she chose the better guy"

"Kristine wouldn't even consider being with me," Ashton mutters, feeling like curling up into a ball. "It must have been some other guy, and to be honest, right now, I'm thinking that the better choice would have been the other guy"

Michael could have literal smoke coming out of his ears by now.

Quickly Luke and Calum make excuses and escape, sensing they they don't want to be in the middle of what is could to be happening.

"You didn't just say that," Michael walks away from Ashton to his guitar.

"I think I did," Ashton tests.

"Luckily Kristine thinks differently, clearly your just jealous that I've got her," Michael smirks.

Ashton can't deny that he's jealous but he wouldn't want to give Michael the satisfaction, "Kristine is not your possession, she doesn't belong to you. And she's already told me a million times that no guy could ever fill me place in her life"

"What the friendzoned place?" Michael asks, packing away his guitar.

"Just wait until she drops you and see who she comes running to then," Ashton exclaims.

Michael shakes his head and in a moment of weakness he picks up the metal guitar capo and throws it across the garage at Ashton hitting him on his shoulder and making him hunch over in pain.

Michael doesn't even apologize, just picks up the capo and his guitar.

"You're such a dick, I never want to speak to you again," Ashton croaks rubbing the part if his shoulder that is already forming a dark bruise.

As Michael turns to leave there is a slight look of fear in his eyes, possibly begging for Ashton not to be serious but as Ashton glares at him his expression stiffens again and he leaves as Ashton screws up his face in pain from the impact of the hard metal against his shoulder.

He can't believe how much of an idiot Michael is being about this, he now knows how obvious it was that he liked Kristine, but now all he can think is that he's losing his Zelda and nothing feels right.

That night Luke and Calum return and Ann-Marie sends them up to Ashton's room to see him.

"Hey buddy, we heard what happened with you and Michael," Luke says.

"Apparently he lobed a capo at you, that must have hurt pretty bad," Calum adds.

Ashton doesn't reply, just pulls down the neck of his shirt a little to show the now dark bruise that is turning every colour of the rainbow.

"Mate, jesus he must have threw that pretty hard, what did you say to him?" Calum sides down next to him prodding the fragile flesh a little making Ashton flinch.

Luke sits on the desk chair as Ashton replies with a sigh, "I said that she'd come running to me when she dumps him"

"You don't say that to a guy, Ash," Luke says.

"You don't think I don't know that but he was going on about how she chose him over me so obviously he's better which is clearly true," Ashton sighs.

"To be honest, Michael didn't handle it very well and neither of you can be compared to eachother," Calum tries to reassure.

Ashton just rolls his eyes.

"I see the curtains are closed," Luke observes.

"Michael is over at Kristine's," Ashton says.

"Oh," Calum says.

"Are you going to be okay, man? We have to go meet Ri and Alex," Luke says.

"I'll be fine," Ashton lies and the duo leave.

Once they are gone Ashton risks peaking round the curtains but immediately closes them again when he sees Michael with his lips pressed against Kristines. He curls up in a ball, finally, his shoulder aching in the process, and sits, soaking in the silence.

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