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Kristine rushes downstairs and into the kitchen where only her dad is.

"Can I get a ride to Ashton's?" she asks.

"Well your mum just took the car to get last minute shopping," Cruz replies. "It's getting late now anyway isn't it, what's so important?"

Not knowing how else to explain things she hands him the paper aeroplane and a smile appears on his face.

"So he finally did it, eh?" he mumbles.

"Finally? What, you knew about this?" she furrows her brow.

"Um... do you want to go or not?" he changes the subject.

"Yes, how long will mum be?" Kristine questions.

"A while but I have an idea," he wiggles his finger.

"Where are we going?" She questions following him out the front door.

He opens up the garage, "Just wait"

Kristine watches in the doorway as he pulls out an old push bike.

"You expect me to cycle there, dad that'll take forever, it'll get dark," she groans.

"Well you want to go, and I'm just suggesting you cycle to the train station, take the bike and cycle once you're off, it might be worth it," Cruz wiggles his eyebrows.

She sighs and takes the bike.

Cycling is quite tiring but she rests on the train and after what ends up being 2 full hours of travelling, she get's to Ashton's house.

Leaning the bike against the wall she knocks on the front door and Anne-Marie opens.

"Oh my god, Kristine, what are you doing here?" she asks.

"I have something to talk to Ashton about, is he around?" Kristine questions holding up the note.

Anne Marie smiles, "Ah, I see, he's out in the tree house, can I get you anything?"

"Um... paper and a pen would be good"

Out back Ashton is sat in the cold dark treehouse staring out the hole in the wall that's meant to be a window. He stares at her house, well her old house, the people haven't moved in yet so all of the windows are dark but noticably empty. All of a sudden a paper aeroplane glides in through the door and lands expertly at his feet. He unfolds it to read the message;

'Remember when I got stuck in this tree? - Zel'

A smile speads across his face and a funny feeling bubbles in the pit of his stomach, he writes back;

'I had to help'

She replies;

'I cried'

He replies;

'I played barbies with you because I wanted to make you happy'

She then says;

'Can I come up?'

Ashton doesn't reply, just fiddles with the plane going over every possible outcome of her being here. Kristine decides to climb up anyway, unable to hold back a nervous smile as she sees him.

"Hi," she squeaks.

He doesn't reply just glances at her briefly and waves. Completely silent Kristine hoists herself up into the treehouse and sits herself down next to Ashton, taking his hand in hers and rubbing circles and shapes on his hand.

"I- I got the aeroplane," she stammers holding up the plane.

He doesn't reply but instead lets his head fall against the wooden treehouse wall. He blushes, his cheeks heating up. His mind races, she's obviously not going to share the same feelings, he thinks, so this conversation can only end up badly.

"Listen, Ash-" Kristine begins but he cuts her off.

"No, don't I don't want to hear it because I know exactly what you're going to say and hearing it come from you will resinate in me forever and kill me a little bit at a time," he says. "I don't know what you thought that telling me that you don't love me back would do for me but I was perfectly happy with you never talking to me ever again because the pain of not being able to just kiss you whenever I see you is too much for me to even comprehend" This sudden outbust leaves Kristine out of words just opening and closing her mouth like a gold fish but Ashton continues running his fingers through his messy hairs letting tears spill down his cheeks, "Kristine I really love you, ever little bit of you so if you're going to give me your pity I'm suggest you'd be better-"

This time it's Ashton who's cut off as Kristine presses her lips to his. Her hands craddle his face tracing her fingertips down his jawline and then under his eyes to dry his tears.

"Did that clear things up for you?" she giggles slightly giddy.

"J-just a little," he says.

"I was shocked to say the least when I got your plane," she tells him.

"It took a lot of guts to even write that," Ashton looks at his lap.

"I do love you Ashton, in a more than friends way," she tells him taking his hand one more time as they fiddle with each other's fingers.

"I love you too," he grins.

Slowly their lips get closer together again and, still grinning like madmen, they kiss, once, twice and then on the third they deepen the kiss. Ashton's tongue glides across her bottom lip, entering swiftly. Kristine tangles her fingers into Ashton's hair tugging ever so lightly at the roots as he finds her waist and lets his hands roam up and down her sides. He pulls her to sit on his lap feeling her nibbling ever so slightly on his bottom lip.

"I love you," he mutters, breaking the kiss briefly. "I really do"

Just then they are interupted when they hear the backdoor of the house shut noisily and Harry's voice calls out into the garden, "Do you guys want some dinner?"

Ashton sighs and whispers, "Do you want some late dinner?"

She chuckles silently and nods.

"Sure, Harry, we'll be down in a minute," he yells back.

They begin to move as they here Harry yell back into the house, "Mum they want dinner and you were right they were 'canoodling'"

The pair of them giggle and Ashton climbs down the ladder first so he can help Kristine down and they walk back to the house with their hands clasped and in their free hands they're holding two paper aeroplanes.


The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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