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Ashton doesn't talk to people outside of his family for a while, naturally Michael claims Luke and Calum ny time that they aren't with the girls. The fact that there are now three couples contributes to Ashton feeling left out, what makes him feel worse is the fact that Kristine doesn't even make an effort to talk to him. He stays couped away, which can't be healthy, he doesn't move farther than the kitchen but spends most of his time in the garage either with a guitar or with his drums, venting as usual.

He's sitting twiddling with a new set of drumsicks in his fingers trying to perfect one his usual little tricks when there's a loud knock on the tin door. Springing up he presses the button to open the door and sees none other than Kristine on the other side, looking wonderful as ever.

"Oh, hi, long time no see," he stammers.

"Yeah, how's it hanging," she smiles.

"Same old, you know," he replies. "What about you? What brings you here?"

"I'm good, my dad actually sent me, he wanted to borrow a tool kit, he told Harry he'd try and fix up the old tree house for him, make it a little sturdier," Kristine tells him.

"Ah, yeah, Harry might have mentioned that, I'll just get it, I think it's on the top shelf," he says.

"Thanks, Fletch," she beams as he pops out a step ladder and placing it down on the ground.

He climbs up and as he reaches up for the box his shirt moves showing the very obvious, very colourful bruise on his shoulder.

"Holy shit, what happened?" Kristine taps on the bruised shoulder as he climbs down.

"Ah," he flinches, putting the box down on the sofa to look through it.

"Sorry, seriously, what happened?" she asks.

"Well, Zel," he takes his time to think. "I um... fell of my bike"

"What, fell onto a pole exactly at your neck?" she laughs.

Ashton shrugs, the worst thing for him to do right now would be to tell her about the fight with Michael.

"It looks like someone threw something hard at you," she giggles and he tenses, noticably. "Someone threw something at you?"

"No," he defends quickly.


"Fine yes," he sighs.

"Who?" she almost yells.

"No one, it's nothing just, let's not talk about it," he stammers rummaging through the box.

"No, if someone threw something at me you'd want to know who, wouldn't you?" Kristine continues leaning next to him.

"Yes I wpuld but this is different," he sighs.

"How is it different?"

"Because it was Michael," Ashton blurts out.


Realising what he'd said Ashton finally locates the tool box and places it down on the ground before turning to put the box away again.

"Ashton, why did Michael throw something at you?" her eyebrows knit together.

"I-it was an accident, he was mad," Ashton stammers.

"Why was he mad?"

"Video game rage," Ashton thinks on the spot. "I beat him in a game and he threw a capo across the room, not meaning to hit me but it did"

"Oh, that's all, still doesn't seem like Michael," she says.

He mutters under his breath, "Well obviously you don't know Michael as well as I do"

"I'd better get going, thanks for the tools," she says quieter now.

"Yeah, feel free to drop them back whenever," he responds, a little flustered.

"See you, Fletch," she leaves and Ashton gives her a little wave as she goes before collapsing face first onto the sofa with a thud.

"Here dad," Kristine says placing the tool kit on the kitchen counter when she get's back to her house.

"Thanks, kiddo, want to help, you could see if if Ashton would help too, I remember you kids were never out of that thing," Cruz grins.

"Nah, I'm going over to Michael's," she leaves the room and Cruz sighs, almost seeming disappointed.

She walks to Michael's house and knocks on the door, "Hello there, Krissy"

"Nice to see you, Mikey," she beams. "What shall we do today?"

He shrugs, "No idea, we could watch a movie"

"Nah, movies are boring, especially since I've seen most of the ones you'll want to watch," she says. "We could go get ice cream?"

"Ice cream? Again? Really? You're addicted, no way," he says.

"Well there's basically nothing else to do Mikey so you have to make a decision," she says running off to his room and slumping down onto the bed with a loud sigh.

"Okay, let's play a video game, we've not done that in a while," he says, sitting up and reaching for his box of video games.

"I'm not sure I want to play with you and your gamer rage," she sniggers.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"Ashton told me that you went mental because he beat you at a video game," she elaborates.

"Ashton has never in his life beat me at a video game, I am the king," he says filing through the games.

"Really because he said you got mad and threw a capo across the room at him," she says.

"What, no I didn't," he denies, actually quite afraid of what she will think of him.

"His injuries kind of speak for themself, and I really don't see why he'd lie about it," she says.

"Oh yeah, that," Michael's face falls.

He did feel guilty about hurting him, he hadn't meant to he just got a little carried away, but he wasn't about to admit that.

"He's bruised up pretty bad, all around his neck, you must have threw it pretty hard, his shoulder is like a rainbow," she laughs.

"Really? I hadn't noticed, I guess I did get pretty annoyed," he looks at the ground.

"So what happened to Mr unbeatable," she nudges him.

"Well t-that still stands with anyone but Ash," he hesitates.

"We'll see about that," she picks up a controller.

"You're on," so does he.

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