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With Kristine living all the way across Sydney with no real means of transport to get from A to B the friendship between her and Ashton deteriorates dramatically, which was to be expected. Ashton takes a huge hit from this and turns back into his closed off self, not leaving his bedroom for anything except when absolutely necessary.

"Come on, Zel," he pleads over the phone in one last attempt to get her to come and hang out with him.

"Sorry, Fletch I honestly can't," she replies.

"But we could sit in the treehouse and talk for hours, it would be great, what's more important than that?" he questions.

"Well for one we're still not unpacked in the house, there's still the bathroom and the lounge to unpack along with my room, also the curriculum at my new school is so far ahead, it's ridiculous so I need to catch up before I start," she explains. "Also my mum and dad are out so I can't get a ride anyway"

He sighs loudly in defeat and collapses onto his bed.

"Sorry Fletch," she adds.

He mumbles something incoherant.

"I'd better go, my mum thinks I'm actually something important," she giggles lightly. "I'll see you around"

Ashton doesn't remove his phone from his ear for several moments after she's hung up, the words 'actually doing something important' ringing through his ears like a siren. Suddenly talking to him isn't important anymore.

He turns his phone to vibrate and places it on his nightstand before burying his face into his pillow to muffle a sudden scream. Just then his phone *vvvt**vvvt*s against the hard wood nightstand.

He turns and sees a message from Calum appear on the screen 'Ri and Alex are gone for the day so Luke and I are free, you in'

He sighs and ignores it until a flow of unstoppable *vvvt*ing occurs.



'Come on bro'

'Don't make me get Luke on you bro'

Then Luke joins in.

Luke: My help is needed here

Luke: Come on Ashton

Calum: Ashton Fletcher Irwin are you even there

Luke: Seriously we will drag you out of your house kicking and screaming if you don't reply.

He decides to put an end to their misery.

Ashton: I'm sorry I was asleep

Calum: Like fuck you were, come on are you in or out?

Ashton: Is Michael going?

Luke: Of course he is you numb skull.

Ashton: Then I'll pass

Calum: This can't keep going on, yes you both like Kristine, but do either of you have her? No. So put the past in the past and come play guitar hero and drink beer from the dollar store.

Ashton: Guys I'm sure Michael doesn't want me there, it's for the best, I don't want to be the one that makes things awkward.

Luke: It'll be both of you so we may as well try and fix things.

With that he turns his phone off and lies his head onto his pillow again and watches the ceiling.

"Ashton!" A loud voice wakes him from his uncomfortable daze.

"What?" he replies.

"Cal and Luke are at the door," the voice becomes distinguishable as Lauren's.

"Tell them to piss off," he groans.

"Language, Harry is in the house," his mum interjects.

"Too late," Lauren calls.

"Wh-" Ashton begins but just then the door to his room bursts open and in comes Calum and Luke.

"See told you he wouldn't be having... 'me time'," Luke says giggling.

"I told you to piss off," Ashton sighs rubbing his eyes.

"And we don't listen, come on," Calum grabs Ashton's arm and Luke takes the other one dragging him out the door.

They get to down to the car and Ashton is shoved into the back seat where he finds Michael is sat.

"What's he doing here?" Michael sighs in a mumbled tone.

"He was forced just like you," Luke says as Calum starts the car.

"So you're so lonely without your girlfriends that you had to capture us to hang out with you as a replacement," Ashton says.

"No, we're sick of this, we're meant to be a band, and bands stick together," Calum says.

"Try and be more cheesy I dare you," Michael says.

"Where are you even taking us?" Ashton questions.

"Somewhere that you can't run," Luke says in a jokingly sinister voice.

"To my back garden," Calum answers.

Michael and Ashton are forced into the garden and the gate is locked, to make escape more difficult.

"What is the point, we've ruined out friendship, we can't fix it," Ashton says.

"How exactly is anything ruined?" Luke hisses.

"You like the same girl, she's gone, like I said, move on," Calum says.

"I've tried," Michael mutters.

"No you haven't!" Ashton exclaims.

"I have, I broke up with her because I knew she liked you, I moved on from her man, I don't even like her anymore," Michael replies bluntly.

"Okay, there's a start, haven't you moved on from Krisine now?" Luke questions Ashton.

Ashton sighs and facepalms slightly before says, "No, no I really have not but she for sure doesn't like me anymore. I've asked her a million times to do something but it's always 'I'm not unpacked yet' or 'I have to catch up on school work'. She's gone she's fucking gone"

Ashton wanders over to fence and kicks it before leaning his head against it to look at the floor.

A hand rests on his back, "Jesus Ash, that's harsh," Michael's voice says, "But that's sort of how I felt the whole time I was with her, maybe not quite as extreme because you've had like 10 years to stew in your feelings but..."

Ashton looks up trying not to cry and kicks the fence once more.

"Thanks, I appreciate it but it's not exactly helping with the whole her being gone thing," he sighs.

Michael pats Ashton on the back and Luke asks, "Is that it? Are you two friends again?"

Exchanging a glance Michael and Ash nod.

"BAND GROUP HUG!" Calum screams dragging the other three boys into a hug.

Things don't quite go back to normal after that but at least Ashton knows that he has 3 people he can talk to whenever he get's really down in the dumps.

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