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Wandering back into the kitchen again Ashton only finds his mum, loading the dishwasher.

"What took you so long?" she smilles a little.

"Oh, I was talking to Mr Aldr- Cruz," he says a little preoccupied.

"Ah, well I sent Harry back to bed and he has falled asleep I think," Ann-Marie says.

"Sorry," he says leaning against the wall.

"It's fine, what did Cruz have to say?" she asks.

"He was giving me some advice on... a thing?" he says vaguely.

Ann-Marie turns around and says, "Kristine?"

He nods, "So you knew too?"

"Of course I knew, I saw the way you looked at her from day 1, Ash," Ann-Marie replies. "I've always known how special she is to you, and I don't blame you she's a lovely girl"

"That's almost the same thing her dad said"

"What did he have to say?"

"He thinks I should tell her, he also thinks that she probably likes me too without realizing it I guess..." he says.

"And are you?" she asks.

Ashton nods, a smile creeping onto his face.


He turns to leave but then get's a thought, "Mum, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she says almost excitedly.

"How should I... tell her?"

"Honey, you're an Irwin," she grins. "Be plain and simple, don't over complicate it"

Ashton nods.

"But then again, make it personal, girls like that stuff," she adds.

"You're not making the process any easier mum," he huffs.

"Sorry, all I'm saying is don't over complicate things, and definitely don't ramble, but also don't be a dick about it," she says bluntly.

Ashton smiles as another idea pops into his head and he scurries off up to his room. Knowing that it was so obvious to his mum as well as Cruz gives Ashton the little boost he needs but as he get's the top of the stairs Lauren exits her room.

"Hey, Ashton, come see this video," she says her laptop in her arms and a grin on her face.

"Not right, now sis," he pauses outside his room.

"Come on it's only 30 seconds, you won't regret it"

"Trust me I will," he adds.

"What's so damn important?" she asks.

"It's a thing," he says.

"What kind of thing, a guy thing?" she screws up her face.

"No, it's sort of a girl thing," he clarifies a little.

"Oh so a romance thing? Did you finally get a girlfriend? What's she like? When can I meet her?" Lauren quizzes.

"Look, I'm going to tell Kristine how I feel bout her so shut up and let me get on with it," he snaps slightly.

"Oh my god. I love Kristine. I'm so happy for you," Ashton can't help but get a fuzzy feeling in his stomach when he sees his sister happy about the idea too. "Can I be her maid of honour? You're kids will be so cute, I'll be the best aunt. I can just imagine you two, growing old sitting on rocking chairs"

He escapes to his room before she can continue.

Meanwhile, Kristine is getting back from her night out with Michael and he's walking her to her front door.

The night had been spent like any other Michael and Krissy night, laughing, joking and flirting, though neither of the two really seemed to care.

"Krissy, I would like to re-propose my idea of you possibly going on a proper date with me?" Michael  says out of the blue, looking at his feet.

Guilt creeps in, she doesn't want to say no again but she isn't quite ready to give him a straight yes or no answer. Seeing the look on her face Michael makes an assumption.

"And you're not quite ready to answer yet," he sighs.

"No, it's not that, I'm nearly there, just give me, a day, tops," she blurts out without thinking.

Michael smiles, "Thanks"

Going inside she decides that she'll see Ashton's reaction.

Up in Ashton's room he pulls out paper and scrawls down a message before folding it into the perfect plane. The only problem is when he goes to fly the plane Kristine appears in her room. Ashton slides open the window and so does Kristine as Ashton places the paper aeroplane on his desk.

"Ashton, I need to tell you something," she says with nervous excitement.

"I actually wanted to tell you something too," he stammers.

"Oh, we could say it at the same time," she suggests.

He glances at the plane, "No, no, you-you go first"

"Well, I wanted to get your thoughts on the idea of me possible dating Michael," she says, tapping her fingers along the window ledge.

"Oh," Ashton's heart breaks.

Of course she'd want to date Michael, not him, he thinks about scrumpling up the plane but instead quickly stuffs it in his desk drawer.

"What was that?" she frowns.

"Oh nothing..."

"So?" she questions.

"Uh, yeah, sure, I guess that would be fine," he stammers trying to form coherant words. "I don't see why that would concern me?"

"Oh, I just didn't want you to get annoyed," she says.

"Why would I get annoyed, I wouldn't get annoyed," he says almost angrily.

"Okay, I'll um... see you tomorrow," she says, feeling a little hurt at his abrupt reply.

"Yeah, maybe," Ashton closes the window leaving Kristine standing at her window.

As soon as she gathered her thoughts again she picks up her phone and texts Michael the simple word 'Yes'.

Ashton trudges downstairs and into the garage, suddenly overwhelmed with saddness and anger. He picks up his drumsticks twiddling them in his fingers as he sits down. Taking a deep breath he beats the drums agressively venting his anger but after around 5 minutes both sticks snap against the side of the drums, splintering wood everywhere and causing Ashton to whack his hands off the metal rims. He cries out in pain and stands snapping the sticks into further shreads. He tosses them at the wall and walks over to the box that usually contains a few sets of drumsticks. Finding it empty after the events of the last month or so causing him to break all of his sticks, he breaks down. He doesn't want to cry but he does, and he has no choice in the matter. He collapses onto the sofa placing his head into his hands trying to compose himself.

He shakes himself off as he returns to the house to find his mum waiting for him.

"What happened?" she asks.

He shrugs.

"She said no?" Ann-Marie looks shocked.

He shakes his head, "I didn't tell her, she likes Michael, I should hape known"

"Come here," she says opening her arms letting her son fall into a hug.

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