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Kristine hanging out with Michael happens less frequently after that, instead of daily it's more 4 or 5 times a week.

The one time that they do hang out properly Kristine arrives at Michael's house and they immediately head to his room.

"Long time no see," he smiles.

"Tell me about it, Ashton's bruise has healed now," she beams as a reply.

"Oh, okay," he says a little confused about the sudden mention of Ashton.

"Have you talked to him lately, he said the you haven't been on the best terms lately," she adds.

"No," he replies. "Can we not talk about Ashton though?"


As the conversation continues Michael gets increasingly angry with the mention of Ashton's name in about every conversation topic until he finally snaps.

"Okay, maybe you've got the wrong boyfriend," he slams his hands against the chair.

"What do you mean?" Kristine frowns.

"Well you've not shut up about Ashton since you sat down, I'm meant to be your boyfriend," Michael sounds offended.

"I-isn't that a little selfish," she stammers.

"Not really if you think about it," Michael's eyes widen.

"What are you trying to say, Michael?" she half laughs, hoping that he's only joking.

"Maybe we should go back to being friends, as fun as this is, I don't think I'm really the one you want to be with," Michael stands and wanders away from her.

"But you really are, I thought long and hard about this," she says.

"Maybe that's it, if we were meant to be you wouldn't have had to think at all," he almost shouts. "and I don't care how sappy and cliche that sounds"

"Michael, don't be like this," she whispers a little.

"Like what?" he smiles symathetically. "I don't think it's worth me getting invested in this, I'll just end up hurt and neither of us want that"

"Maybe I should go," she stands and walks to the door. "I'll see you later"

He mumbles a belated 'whatever' as she leaves for the long walk back to her house.

"Kriss?" her dad shouts from the kitchen as she walks in the door.

"Yeah," she answers.

"Can you come in here for a second," her mum shouts.

She furrows her brow and does as she's told, "Yes?"

Her parents are leaning against the kitchen counter with a stack of paper and a phone sat in front of them.

"We've got news for you," Cruz half smiles.

"Please don't tell me you're pregnant," she sighs.

"No, no, no," Jessica chuckles.

"Well she's not but..." Cruz says but Jessica gently nudges him.

"Seriously what is it because I've already had a pretty bad day," Kristine says.

"Really? I thought you were with Michael," Jessica says, frowning.

"You're boyfriend," Cruz adds in a funny voice.

"Not anymore," Kristine sighs loudly.

"What happened?" her mum asks.

"He broke up with me," she says bluntly.

"But I thought he really liked you?" Jessica seems concerned.

"He does but he thinks I like Ashton," she sighs rubbing her eyes.

"You do," Cruz says.

"Not in the way that he thinks," she corrects though she doesn't see the disbelief in his face.

"Well I know someone who will be very happy after today," Cruz mutters.

"What?" Jessica turns to Cruz.

"I'll tell you later"

Kristine brushes off their conversation and continues to say, "What did you need me for or can I leave?"

"No we do need to tell you something," Jessica says.

Cruz clears his throat, "My boss has offered me a new job, it's higher up in the ranks, better pay, better holidays, more power"

"That's great," Kristine says.

"Yeah but it's across the other side of Sydney so..." Jessica continues.

Her dad slides the pile of paper across the table and when she turns it over she sees its the paperwork for a house that's for sale in East Sydney.

"You've been looking at houses?" She questions.

"Not exactly," Cruz continues flipping over the paper to show a filled in set of paperwork for the house.

"You've bought the house?" she exclaims.

"Yes," Jessica defends.

"Without even asking me, mum this is my life too, you can't just uproot me," she says.

"Well if you want to move out be my guest," Jessica says now seeming quite angry.

"But I'll be leaving my friends, this house, I grew up here, don't you see what's wrong with this, I'll have to move school," Kristine tries to make them see things from her point of view but it doesn't work.

"You'll still be able to stay in contact it's just because it'll be easier for me to get to work from over there and I won't get stuck in traffic every day and end up getting home at 9pm," Cruz says trying to comfort his daughter.

"Well good luck selling this place, there's cracks in the walls, and the pipes leak in the winter," Kristine shouts.

"Calm down," her dad says taking her by the shoulders.

"And we've already sold the house, to a nice family with a baby on the way and a 6 year old son already," Jessica says. "It gives another kid a chance to grow up here"

"But I still don't want to leave," Kristine says now crying.

"Don't cry," Cruz hugs. "It's fine, we'll get you a bus pass or something you'll be able to see your friends all the time"

"It won't be the same," she sobs. "How will I break it to Ash?"

"I'm sure you'll find a way," Jessica says. "He's very understanding boy"

"I always liked, Ashon," Cruz mutters.

"Then why are you taking me away from him," she stops crying and jokes, "We could have got married, moved to the suburbs had 12 kids, 4 cats and a dog, we could have started a family choir and toured Australia, but no you're limiting my possibilities"

"See, already making a joke out of a bad situation," Cruz laughs. "And you never know that could still happen"

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