Josh Hutcherson Fanfic Part 4

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It was hours before Josh text back, which i soon realized was because he mainly got up after mid day! 

"Oh thank god, this is the right number! I was panicking for a while thinking I'd text some random person! Haha, and really!? You have a life? Learn something new everyday;) xx♥xx"

My heart beat faster and faster, there was sweat across my palms and i went light headed. I can't believe Josh Hutcherson text me again ... with hearts and kisses- AGAIN! This felt like a really good dream, well it was a dream- a dream come true! I had to pinch my self a couple of times to convince myself that this wasn't just me asleep again.

I decided to go home again as I'd eaten my breakfast of fruit and was beginning to feel hungry again because it was already 2pm.

I walked up the 8 flights of stairs, turned the corner and walked into my flat. Dad was sat on the sofa watching TV and briefly looked round to see me walking as fast as i could into my room and close the door behind me for good measure.

I knew i needed to talk to him soon, it was unfair me being like this especially after the effort he made yesterday! But i just couldn't bare it, he knew how i wanted to handle things, and not talking about it was my way of handling it! I slid into my desk chair and opened my laptop to take my mine off things.

After waiting the 3 minutes it takes for my laptop to load up, i clicked on twitter straight away- i loved twitter, i felt like i belonged there. After typing in my e-mail and password i checked my mentions. @HutchersonFan_Sent me the links for their FanFic, i decided this would be a good way to take my mine off my Dad, and it did. The FanFic was amazing, to my amusement it was about meeting Josh Hutcherson, which of course, i already had! The words of the FanFic had me staring at the screen in anticipation to read the next chapter. I was silently disappointed when it finished at chapter 6 and longed to read more!

After replying to any messages people had sent to me i logged off to find a text message awaiting to be read on my phone.

"Hey, It's Josh again. I was wondering, do you wanna meet me out today? I can show you round some places i love!? You said you haven't been here long so .... yeah. Text me if you can come:) ♥xxxx♥"

My fingers started texting before my mind knew what was happening, before i knew it i had sent him a reply and sat there reading it over and over again to make sure it sounded fine.

"Hey! Yeah sure! Sounds fun:) When and where shall we meet? I kinda need to get out the flat at the moment anyway:/ but yeah, sounds amazing:) ♥xxxx♥"

After reading it over about 5 times i had a reply, my palms were sweating even more and i had to go wash my hands before i could read the text. I walked into my en-suit and poured the icy cold water over my hands letting it flow for a minute then twisting the tap handle to stop it and dried off my hands on my soft absorbent towel. 

I opened the text which simply said "1 hour, cafe where we first spoke? :) See you there:') ♥xxxx♥"

One hour!? How long does he think it will take me to get ready? I decide to have a quick shower and change my clothes. I step under the nice warm running water and smother my hair with shampoo, rinsing it gently out i then indulge it with conditioner. In about 5 minutes I'm out and drying, and moisturizing. after half an hour of drying my hair in a towel i put on my light blue denim shorts, my purple vest top and my mini black jacket. I take a quick look in the mirror and to my annoyance my hair has gone wavy again, it always does this but i generally brush it out. I decide i want to get to the cafe early and leave it.

I slowly stepped down the 8 flights of stairs and out the main doors, making my way along the street and into the cafe where i first took Josh after punching him- i still cringe at the memory! 

One Person Can Make Such A Difference- Josh Hutcherson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now