Josh Hutcherson FanFic Part 15

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I slept in Josh's room that night, dreaming of the only perfect memory i had of my Dad. The tune of the trickling waterfountain kept me safe. The image I had of my Dad, handsom in a way, was bright in my mind and gave me a warm feeling. It startled me how much i could see my self in him. Those eyes that he bore, the blue and the green swirling together hazed round the edges with grey, they were gorgeous, resembling mine so much- minus the hint of brown that mine were stroked with.  His hair was darker than mine in memory, but occasionally streaked with the same brown that I had. I could tell I got most of my looks from him, he made me what I am, and even though I had no other memory of him this one was enough for me to figure out he loved me, and I loved him.

I could see it so perfectly in my mind, it was the most peaceful memory I've ever recalled. The sound was muffled, nothing in particular about our conversation I remembered. Just me and him, sat there, laughing together. The birds were playing beautiful songs to us from high in the trees and the waterfountain playing a melody in the back ground.  So much food, we ate and ate in the confort of each other. In the warmth that we gave to each other. It was constantly a reel of perfect images, but from nowhere it nagged at me that there was more. More that I wasn't quite seeing yet. Maybe I hadn't even seen it at the time, but something wasn't right, i couldn't tell what yet and dismissed it quickly to the back of my mind. 

I woke peacefully that morning, Josh was in a deep sleep next to me so I decided not to wake him. Carefully folding the duvet over, I slipped out of bed and snuck downstairs into the kitchen. Once out of the bedroom door I was greeted with a welcoming smile from Connor. "Unusual for you to be up so early!" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Couldn't sleep" He replied, but not so convincingly. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking up to him slowly.

"Nothing, I'm fine! Want some breakfast?" I still wasn't convinced with his reply but I figured I'd get more out of him during breakfast. I nodded in his direction and we set off down the stairs. Passing through the doors and into the kitchen I realized we were the only ones up and smiled to my self at the thought of how unusual this was. I kept my eye closly on Connor, still trying to work out what was wrong. After some bacon had been grilled and we each attempted to fry some eggs on the hob- giving up after messing up 3- we sat down with some toast, bacon, beans and the remainder of the 3 eggs and began to eat. I mentally noted to save some bacon for Josh and set it aside in the warm grill to keep its heat. 

Half way through our cooked breakfast I looked at Connor again, I knew there was something he was keeping from me but, i just couldn't think of how to get him to talk about it. I must have been staring for a while because the next thing I knew Connor had finished he looked up to me and smiled. I blinked a few times out of my daze but kept my eyes fixed on him. Sooner or later he had to fess up to what he was thinking! It puzzled me how he could guess but somehow he knew what I was thinking. "I'm not telling you what's wrong!" He glanced at me before picking up his plate and taking to to the sink.

I smiled to myself knowing how he's slipped up. "Aha! He admits that there IS indeed something wrong!" 

If i wasn't so focused on eating bacon I could have sworn I saw a smile from him, "Yes okay, i'm not the usual bundle of perfection today as I could be!" At that remark he wore the widest, cheeky smile he could. 

"So, what's up? I mean shouldn't it be me that's the ball of mess around here? Not you!" 

"Yeah I know, it's like we've had some personality swap!"

I giggled and finished off my bacon. 

"But no, I don't want to... trouble, you with my problems. It wouldn't be fair." He looked to serious. Something really must have been wrong! Connor. Serious? This is not right!

"Tell me, I might be able to help! You never know. Anyway, your problems would be a good distraction from my life right now..." I stood up and a shiver was sent down my spine. Me and Connor having a heart to heart. Not something I'd ever expect! 

"That's the problem, it's not exactly problems affecting me-per say. More you. I mean, everything that's happened to you, you're dad..." i flinched at his words as he continued swiflty. "... the man at your apartment. Everything that happened there, he was looking for something- or so it sounds- and to me, it just doesn't add up!" He looked so serious, this was a new level for the Connor I'd grown to know. 

I added up his words carefully in my head, "So you're saying, my dad's death ..." I paused to re-evaluate my words, "... murder .... was linked into the man at my apartment." I never thought ... I never began to link any of it together. I nearly kicked myself in fury. How could I have been so stupid as to over look it all? Everything that had happened to me, and my dad.  Of course it was all linked! Two incidences don't just happen out of the blue like that! And what had I done? I'd ignored the investigation to who commited my dad's murder and indeed forgotten about the man in the apartment! I mentally kicked myself over and over again for not paying attention to what was going on around me. How careless I'd been, how weak i'd been. If my dad could see me i'm sure he'd be disappointed. 

I realized I'd given no answer to Connor and was once again staring into a blank space. "You're right, they've got to be linked somehow. I can't believe I haven't payed any attention to any of this! I've been so weak and stupid, i've dismissed it all as fast as it had come!" My hands were shaking, but i clenched my fists to stop them. I needed to be strong. For as long as I could remember- which then again was that far back- I'd been weak. It was time for a change. 

"No, you've been through a lot! especially since you can't remember that much, it must be hard on you!" Connor shot back, attempting to make me feel better. 

But it wouldn't work. "No, i need to be strong now. I need to be. My dad was murdered and i've done nothing about it! I loved him, and i've done nothing but mope about and be wreckless! I need to do something. I need to fine the man who killed him and make sure he pays. I need to find out what that man was doing at my apartment an-"

"And that means you need to go back to your apartment and find what he was searching for- presuming he hadn't found it..." Connor cut in quickly. It was a stupid thing to do, yet it brought a smile to my face. That's exactly what I needed to do. I needed to avenge my father. And avenge him I shall! 

With the nod of my head I grabbed walked out of the kitchen, grabbing my coat off the back of the sofa and walked towards the stairs. I glanced back to Connor. "Come on, if we're gonna do this then we may aswell do it with style!" Connor looked puzzled. "Black clothing..." I continues, but no enlightenment was shed upon him... "Ninja. Style." 

At last his facia expression grew to mischievious grin and he raced me up the stairs. 

A realization hit me, we needed a plan. We needed a plan to figure out what we needed to do there and what information we needed to collect. "Connor." I spoke loudly, but not loudly enough to wake anyone. "Wait. Not now. We need to do this with true ninja style. That means first we need to do the knowledge side of the plan. We need to figure out what kind of information we're looking at here. We need to dig up some information on what we're dealing with. Today we'll do that instead. Tonight we'll head over to the apartment" It sounded so crazy out loud. But I knew deep down I couldn't let whoever murdered my father get away...

There it was again, that word ... murder... murder .... murder... My vision blurred and I was no longer with Connor in the hall way. 

Murder ... Murder ... Murder. 

Blood. Everywhere.


Secrets... so many secrets. My eyes focused but oh, how I wished they hadn't... 

One Person Can Make Such A Difference- Josh Hutcherson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now