Josh Hutcherson FanFic Part 9

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It was passing midnight and Connor stood up to go to his room. About 10 minutes later Josh looked over to me and asked weather I wanted to go up too. I nodded my head slowly as fatigue was beginning to set in.

Josh stood up slowly then grabbing my arm pulled me up beside him. He took my hand and we said a brief goodnight to his parents. Walking up the stairs he put his arm round mine and walked us into his room. I wondered why we were going in here but I was too tired to even ask. He closed the door and turned to me, looked me directly in the eyes and said "I was wondering if you wanted to sleep in here with me tonight? I could sleep on the floor in case you had a nightmare?" 

The gesture was so sweet, but I couldn't let him sleep on the floor! "No, no it's fine! Honestly, I couldn't let you sleep on the floor in your own room!" He held onto my shoulders, staring deep into my eyes. 

"Then we can both sleep on the bed!? I'm not letting you sleep alone tonight! Not after last night!" I began to blush, I didn't know why. "Fine, but only because you leave me with no choice!" I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled, his mouth lifting in one corner. I loved his smile, it made his jaw look gorgeous. His jaw always looked gorgeous, but his smile somehow made it even better. That jaw, it was one of a kind! It was so perfect! 

Josh let go of my shoulders and told me to get my pj's on. So I walked out of his room and made my way into mine. I turned the lights on as I entered and opened my wardrobe. I grabbed out the nearest pyjama shorts and switched from my clothes, into them. Then grabbing the closest top, I switched the clothes I was originally wearing for that. I took one last look around my room for anything different, walked to the door, turned the light out and returned to Josh's room. Making sure I knocked before entering, "Come in" 

Josh replied after my quick knock on the door. 

"Hey" I walked slowly into the room and over to Josh, who was sat at his desk in some casual Pyjama bottoms, and no top. "Hey" He replied with a smile. 

I went and sat on the corner of his double bed, in the exact same place I was sat in when he was telling me about how we met. I looked more carefully around his room. The wall were a beautiful white, and the bed, so big and so warm. The covers were crisp and clean yet so welcoming. On his wall I noticed some posters. One with him on, it was for a movie, Journey to the Centre of the Earth. He was on it! He looked so young, yet you could tell it was him. They had the same jaw! I frowned slightly and looked over to Josh. He realized what I was looking at and blushed, a lot!

"Josh, something you want to tell me?" I said it jokingly but he knew I was serious. "Ermmm, well. You see. I'm an actor" 

"Yeah, I figured that much by the fact you're on a poster for a movie!" This time I sounded a lot more serious.

Josh gave a slight giggle and replied, "Yeah, well, truth is- I'm pretty famous! And well, I didn't want you to know because- I thought it would make you see me differently!" He had started to stutter with nerves. Even though he had lied to me, he did it for a reason I could understand. He looked so worried at what I was going to say back, that in the end, I stood up, grabbed his hands to pull him to his feet. And planted a kiss on his cheek. Smiling as I pulled away, I pulled on his arms and walked towards the bed.

He sat me down on one side of the bed and walked over to the wall to turn the main lights off, leaving us with just the light of a dim lamp in the corner, which he deliberately left on for me, he knew I couldn't stand darkness, not after the accident.

I lay my head on the pillow and he did the same. We both lay there, covered up to our necks in the duvet, staring into each others eyes. There was so many things I wanted to ask him, about before the accident. But now was not the time. As fatigue pulled me into it's grips my eyes got heavier, and finally closed. 

One Person Can Make Such A Difference- Josh Hutcherson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now