Chapter 2

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After they caught up with the boy, they threw him into a pit in the ground. It was spacious, to say the least. Concrete walls and floors, with a bamboo lock to keep him from escaping. The roof was made of straw, with wooden beams and more bamboo to support it. There were sketches on the wall, some looked like claw marks, some looked like finger nail marks, and some looked like weapon marks, possibly knives or hatchets. The one that stood out to him was one that was written in blood. It had clearly been thee a while, it was dry, and had started to fade away. It said, 'THE ORDER KNOWS!' It became sloppier drifting towards the end of the statement, so the boy figured it was the work of a dying man. "Enjoying the gallery?" a voice asked.
He turned in fear, and was met with a very tall and thin being, with unnaturally long tentacle-like arms protruding from his back. His face was white, and featureless, and he was wearing a dark suit and tie. The boy backed up and dug his head into his knees in fear. "Hey there, Green Bean," the being said.
To the boy, it looked like this person was smirking, but it was hard to tell. "You're not gonna run again," the person said, "Okay?"
The boy looked up for a second, nodded in fear and resumed his original position. "Good." the being said.
It flipped the latch and opened the bamboo door. After helping the boy out of the pit, he said, "My name is Slender Man. You can call me Slender. Everyone does."
The boy still looked away in fear. "Hey," Slender put a hand on his shoulder, "You have nothing to fear. Now, can you tell me anything about yourself? Who you are? Where you came from? Anything at all?"
The boy looked up at Slender and just shook his head. "Can you tell me your name?"
The boy started to panic. "I... Uh, I can't r-remember anything... Why can't I remember any--"
"Hey, relax," Slender calmed the boy down again, "It's normal," he looked over his shoulders to the other people who were staring at the boy earlier, "It happens to us all. You'll get your name back in a day or two. It's the one thing they let us keep."
For the first time, the boy looked into Slender's eyes, or lack thereof, with a concerned/ panicked expression and asked, "What is this place?"
"I'll show you." Slender extended his hand, to which the boy cautiously took.
Slender then led him around the area which he kept referring to as 'The Glade.' It wasn't much, a few buildings, constructed mostly of wood and bamboo, a forest in one corner of the Glade, a giant wooden section with a straw roof in another corner of the Glade, and what looked like greenhouses and barns strewn across the middle. The residents of the glade were all running, trudging, crawling to-and-fro with various gardening tools, or kitchen appliances. "We eat here," Slender explained to the boy, "We sleep here, he grow our own food, we build our own shelter. Whatever we need, the Box provides. The rest is up to us."
"The box?" the boy asked.
Slender pointed to the cage that the boy had originally arrived in. They watched as four people began to unload the boxes and crates it contained. When they were finished, one pulled a rusty-looking leaver, which sent it back down the shaft. "Yeah," Slender said, when the group was finished, "It's sent up once a month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie. This month that's you. Congratulations."
"Sent up?" the boy ask, confused, "By who, though? Who put us here?"
Slender sighed as he answered the question, "I wish I knew."
Just then, they heard a, "H-hey, you alright, Slender?"
A boy ran over. The same one, the first boy noticed, that dumped him in that pit. "Green Bean, meet Toby, or Ticcci Toby, as everyone else calls him."
The boy looked at Toby. He lacked any normal appearance, anyone could blandly see there was something wrong with him. His messy brown hair went in every which way, and his pale, almost grey, skin was brought out by the sunlight. He was a face-mask to cover his mouth, but the boy could see a scar just poking out from below the nose. He was also wearing orange goggles, but the boy could tell his eyes were dark. He wore a brown-ish grey hoodie with a blue hood and dark teal scrub pants. "When I'm not around," Slender resumed, "He's in charge."
"Good thing y-you're always around, then." Toby chuckled. 
He then turned his attention to the boy. "Listen," he placed his hand on his shoulder, "That was a great dash-a-ash you made earlier. F-f-for a second I thought you had the chops to be a runner... Y-y'know, 'till you face-planted."
The two chuckled, until the boy asked, "Wait, a 'runner?'"
"Toby, do me a favour," Slender said to him," Go find Sally."
As Toby ran off to look for this 'Sally,' Slender grabbed Jeff's arm and took him to a giant structure that looked like it was only used for viewing the Glade. "Look, I'm sorry to rush this. You came up a little late, and there's a lot to do. We've got something special planned tonight."
Jeff turned to see more of the people fixing what looked like a cow skull onto a wooden statuette, which was surrounded by kindling wood. "Hope you're not afraid of heights."
Slender began to climb up the ladder, the boy slowly progressing behind him. As a joke, Slender shook the ladder, almost causing the boy to fall off. When they got to the top, they looked out over the Glade. "This is all we've got," Slender said, "We've worked hard for it. If you respect this place, you and I'll get along just fine."
"What's out there?" the boy asked.
He was pointing to an open section in the walls. From where they were standing, it looked like a corridor into nothing but darkness, the overhead sun providing next-to-no help on viewing what was actually in there. Slender sighed and told the boy, "We only have three rules. First, do your part. No time for any freeloaders. Second, never harm another Glader. None of this works unless we just have trust. And most importantly... Never go beyond those walls."
"Hey, Slender!" a high voice asked from on the ground.
The two looked over the railings to see a girl, about 8 to 12, in a pink dress, waving up at them. The thing that struck the boy as most odd was that she had bruises, cuts and blood strewn across her delicate skin. Her hair was messy and frizzy, and she was holding a small teddy bear. "Hey, Sally," Slender called down, "We'll be down in a second."

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