Trouble In Paradise

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*Your pov*

I was awoken by the sound of yelling, which is pretty common these days. I live next door to my best friend Bulma and her annoying boyfriend Prince Vegeta.

They started their terrible, toxic relationship a few months back and I warned her not to. I knew he was bad news and no good for her but she didn't listen. She was too attracted to him to care.


"Bulma, you really wanna date this guy?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Yeah! I mean, he doesn't have much of a personality, but he's cute. And it'll make Yamcha soooo jealous!" She happily said. I rolled my eyes at her childish thinking and shook my head

"It'll make him more than jealous. You're gonna be dating the guy who basically killed him" I said

"Ah, whatever Y/n, I know what I'm doing" She said as she walked away to the Saiyans bedroom

*End flashback*

I got dressed and made my way over to Bulma's house. I walked in without knocking because Bulma was my best friend and we didn't have boundaries

I opened the door to see a lamp flying across the room. I froze as it smashed against Vegeta's chest. He was physically unfazed by the hit, obviously, but it made very angry

"WOMAN" He harshly growled as he cleaned the glass from his shirt

"How dare you say that about me!! I'm NOT a whore!!" Bulma cried out

This wasn't a normal fight. There was so much anger in the air and Bulma was a hysterical mess. They normally yell at one another because Vegeta's emotionless attitude gets to Bulma sometimes but throwing things? That's way out of character for them

"What's going on!?" I shouted as I ran to the middle of the room. I glared at Vegeta, assuming this was his fault, and blocked Bulma with my body

"Tell her what you did!" Vegeta yelled at Bulma, who was still bawling her eyes out. I looked back to my friend and she scoffed at Vegeta. She crossed her arms and glared at the Saiyan

"I did nothing wrong!" She screamed. I looked back to Vegeta and he was clenching his jaw

"She cheated on me!!" He yelled. His voice didn't sound heartbroken, it sounded like he was more angry that she was disloyal to him as a person, rather than him as a boyfriend.

"Oh Bulma.." I softly said as I looked back to my best friend. I was so disappointed in her. Cheating wasn't something she'd ever done before. What's gotten into her?

"Oh, whatever! I have needs and Vegeta is never around! And when he is, he never wants to touch me!! Yamcha did! So, whatever!!" She screamed as she stormed past me and Vegeta. She stomped upstairs and slaed her bedroom door shut

I sighed and looked from the stairs to Vegeta, who was standing with no emotion on his face, like normal.

"I'm sorry" I softly said. He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms

"I'm don't need your pity! I'm only mad that she was so disloyal to me, a PRINCE! And with that pathetic excuse of a man. She's right. I would never touch her because I didn't want to. Doesn't give her a right to cheat on me!" He yelled. He turned and walked out of the house, flying away. No doubt to Goku's house. He would never admit it, but Goku was his best friend

Even though Vegeta could be a jerk, he didn't deserve to be cheated on. It's real fucked up how Bulma used him. I figured after Bulma got to know Vegeta more, she'd stop her plan. I was wrong and Vegeta wasted him time trusting her. I know how much he dislikes humans and how hard Bulma had to work to date him. So much effort just to cheat on him.

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