So This Is Happening?

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It's been 3 weeks since the funeral. Bulma gave Megan and Rebecca their own capsule houses and they moved out last week.

They live about 3 minutes from me which is nice. I visit them every day I can.

Goku and Vegeta haven't said much to me. They visit me but they don't talk much. I think they worry about me still. Especially Goku. I catch him following me around in public. He's probably scared I'll stand in traffic again or something.

I finally started to feel happy again. I still think about Trinity every day. But it's getting easier. 

Before everything happened I thought I knew which one I was going to pick but now I'm not sure. After that whole thing with Bulma I still can't get over it. We aren't dating so I shouldn't care! I mean I did the same thing to him. I had sex with Goku and turned around and told Vegeta I loved him.

The more I think about it the more i think about Goku. He stayed loyal to me for 2 years. Since the day we started our weird friends with benefits relationship he hasn't even looked at another woman! And I haven't even thought about having another guy in my life. Besides Vegeta. But Vegeta couldn't even go more than a month before getting back in bed with Bulma.

In a weird way I feel like he cheated on me but we weren't dating!

I decided to go to the mall and called Vegeta to see if he wanted to hang out 
He came as soon as I asked

"Hey" he said as he landed

I gave him a big hug.

"I'm sorry I was the way I was when Trinity passed"

He held me tightly "I'm sorry I was a jerk. And I'm sorry about Bulma"

"it's fine. Really." I smiled at him

He gave gave me a soft smile. But it quickly faded when I asked him a question

"So why did you do it? Get back with Bulma?"

"I did not get back with her. Her and I had..ya know.." his face turned red

"Sex yes Vegeta I know"

"Yeah. I'm not sure why. I was feeling annoyed that you seemed more happy with Kakarot than me and I guess I wanted attention. Bulma had been trying to get me in bed for a week so I just gave in"

"Wait for a week?? Like when she was with Yamcha?" I stopped walking


"Nice Bulma" I sarcastically said

Vegeta bought us ice cream and we walked around a little more. I forgot how nice it was to be around him.

He and Goku were 2 completely different people. When I hung out with Vegeta it was always chill. He didn't really joke around much. He didn't get into deep discussions with you. He would just sit and listen while you talked. He never had much input on anything besides fighting and getting stronger. But when I was with Goku he would joke around so much. Always giggling and laughing. Always wants to go somewhere and do something.

I honestly with I could combine the two like some kind of fusion and get the best of both worlds.

We finished our ice cream and Vegeta flew me home.

*Gokus pov*

"It's time. Just ask him when he gets home. He wouldn't kill you over a suggestion would he?"

Vegeta came through the door as I paced back and forth.

"Hey Vegeta!" I got stiff and waved at him

"Where were you?" I asked

"With Y/n"

"Oh that's cool...speaking of Y/n we need to talk"

Vegeta gave me his classic 'if this is a bad talk I'll kill you' look

He sat down at the table

"What" he harshly asked

I inhaled and closed my eyes

"I think since we both love Y/n we should let her pick which one she wants"

"Yes idiot that's always been the plan"

"Let me finish. I think we should both have one last night of fun with her before she picks. Both of us. Together. With her. At the same time."

I prepared for the worst.

But Vegeta was silent

I slowly opened my eyes and saw he was actually thinking about it

"Did she agree to this?" He asked

"No but if we both agree and set rules we can ask her" I half smiled

"Fine" he said

"For real!!"

"For real?!" I asked

He grunted, which meant yes.

We flew off towards Y/n's house

*Your pov*

Since I was in a great mood today I decided to have some 'fun'

I reached into my underwear and slowly rubbed my clit.

I haven't done anything sexual since that night with Vegeta.

I started to remember what it was like being with Vegeta and Goku.

I started to softly moan out their names. I pulled out my vibrator and pulled off my panties.

Just as I started to stick the tip in Goku and Vegeta appeared in front of my bed

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as I tried to get under the covers

"Calm down. We've both seen all of you before" Vegeta smirked

I was red in the face as I stuffed the vibrator back in the drawer.

"What do you want!?" I yelled at them

"Well. Vegeta and I talked about some stuff and decided that before you picked who you wanted to be with you should have one last night of fun. With the two of us. At the same time.." Goku started to blush a little

"Like...A threesome?" I asked slightly excited

"Yes" Goku said

"And you agreed to this Vegeta?"

He nodded his head yes


"To show you in real time how much better I am than Kakarot!"

Goku rolled his eyes and I chuckled at him

"Okay. I'm down for that"

"Great! And it looks like you're already ready" Goku said as he climbed on the bed towards me

"So this is happening. A threesome with the 2 guys I love..This is probably going to be the best day of my life"

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