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*Trunks's pov*

I flew as fast as I could towards Goku and my father. Y/ns energy was so faint, she was on the verge of death

I saw Piccolo and Gohan as I was flying

"Trunks?" I heard Gohan say

"I found your mom! Go to Krillin!" I yelled back to him as I continued flying

"Did you hear Mr.Piccolo?!" They took off in the opposite direction

I finally came upon my dad and Gok

"Dad! Goku!" I yelled out

They both turned and eyed me

"What boy" my father said

"I found her" I said

Goku grabbed me and my father. He used his instant transmission to get to Tien and Yamcha. He grabbed them and used it again to get to Gohan and Piccolo.

With everyone touching him he used it one last time to find Krillin

*Gokus pov*

We appeared at the opening of a huge cave hole

I began walking to my friend "Krill-"

I heard her screams coming from the hole

"We go in the same teams. Split up and search for her. Kill whoever you find" I harshly said

They all nodded in agreement and we dove down the hole

"We'll find you Y/n. You'll be safe again"

*Your pov*

I coughed up more blood as Cooler chuckled behind me

"Had enough?" He smiled

I spit and looked up to him "No. Keep going"

He lost his smile and growled at me "Excuse me? You like this?"

I tried to sit up but couldn't. I looked at the ceiling and licked my lips

"No. It fucking sucks. But the more you hurt me the angrier my family and friends will get"

Cooler walked over and grabbed me by the collar

"What if I just kill you" he harshly said

"Do it" I spit at him

He placed his hand on my chest and prepared a blast

Suddenly Salza busted through the door

"Sir! They are here" he said

I smiled to Cooler "You're all gonna die"

He punched me in the face and walled out of the room. He turned towards Salza "Continue my work. But don't let her die"

Salza walked over and looked at me "I almost feel sorry for you"

He grabbed the a hammer and smiled at me "You're gonna love this" he sarcastically said

*Gokus Pov*

Vegeta and I were flying around searching for Y/n. I could feel her energy but they definitely had her hidden.

I heard the others fighting off whatever was in this ship

"Kakarot! Here!" Vegega stopped by a wall

I stood still and focused. I could feel her energy behind this wall

Vegeta and I punched the wall until it began to crack.

Vegeta was blasted from behind. I quickly turned and saw a big green guy standing behind us

"You are the fools who killed Frieza right?" He asked

I didn't answer. I instantly blasted the man with everything I had. He flew back and hit the wall

"Vegeta!" I yelled

Vegeta nodded and went after the man while I continued to punch and blast the wall

"I'm coming Y/n!" I yelled

*Your Pov*

"I'm coming Y/n!" I heard someone yell

I felt so hazy from the pain I could barely tell what was happening

"G-Goku..." I weakly called out

Salza had broken my hand and leg with the hammer. My back was still bleeding and sore from the hot rob. My face was so swollen I could barely see.

I was on my stomach when Salza walked over and pulled me to my knees

"He said not to kill you so I think that's enough" he turned toward the wall and listened to the hits coming from the other side

"He's coming" I chuckled

Salza grunted and punched me in the face "That's the plan" he laughed and walked out of the room

"The plan?" My eyes went wide

"This is the trap! Me!" I said

"Goku no!" I tried to yell but I was too weak

"Goku don't! It's a trap!" I kept yelling but it wasn't enough. He couldn't hear me and the wall was almost broken

I looked around the room for any weapon I could hide on myself

I crawled over to a knife and grabbed it, sliding it into my boot

I laid on my back and tried to catch my breath. I was in so much pain any kind of movement hurt

I looked to the door and started to crawl. I used my arms and elbows to move myself. My leg was broken so it was no use to me.

I was a foot from the door when the wall busted open and Goku flew in

"Y/N!" he yelled

He flew over and grabbed me up, holding me tightly in his arms

"It's a trap" I weakly said

We heard a laughter from the doorway

"The pathetic human is right. This was a trap" Cooler said

The room suddenly filled with members of Coolers army. They completely surrounded us

Some of them men were holding our friends by the shirts. They looked hurt

"Mommy" I heard Gohan gasp when they brought him in

"You killed my brother" Cooler said

"He deserved it" Goku growled

I looked around the room at our friends

"Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Trunks, Piccolo, Gohan...wait where's Vegeta?"

Vegeta wasn't captured but I knew he was here. Even if he didn't want to come save me Bulma wouldn't allow him to stay behind.

"You and your friends will pay for what you did to my brother" Cooler said

Goku kissed my head and gently set me down

"And you'll pay for what you did to Y/n!" He yelled

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