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Bulma and I were sitting at the doctors office. She was a nervous wreck. She couldn't stop moving around

"Bulma relax" I said as I took her hand in mine.

She smiled at me but still kept moving

"Bulma?" Called out a nurse

Bulma and I got up and walked towards her

"Which one is Bulma?" She asked

"I am.." Bulma said softly

"Alright come on" the nurse smiled at her

"Can my friend come with me? She's like my sister!"

"Of course!"

The nurse took us into a small pink and blue room. There was one bed and a chair.

"Here's the cup. Go pee in it and leave it on the sink. I'll collect it later and test it. If you're pregnant we will send in the doctor to talk to you" she smiled and walked out of the room

Bulma looked at the cup and then to me

"Go on" I pushed her towards the bathroom

She sighed and went in. She came back out and sat down on the bed

"I'm sorry"

"B if you say that one more time I'll cut your hair in your sleep" I joked

She smiled at the floor

A few minutes went by and finally a woman came in

"Hello I'm Dr. Morris. You must be Bulma" she said as she shook Bulmas hand

"And you..." she shook my hand

"I'm Y/n. Her extremely supportive and loving sister" I smiled towards Bulma

"Wonderful. So. The test came back positive. You have a little baby in there" she patted Bulmas tummy

I could tell Bulma felt scared so I got up and sat next to her

"We are gonna ask some questions and take your blood pressure okay?"

Bulma nodded and answered all the questions she was asked

"Alrighty. Now I just need the father's information. Any medical issues or anything?"

Bulma looked at me

"He uh..I'm not sure who he is..it could be 2 different guys.."

I looked to the doctor. If she even had the smallest hint of judgement on her face I would pounce like a mama tiger protecting her cub

"Oh! That's okay!" She smiled at us

"Just ask them both about their medical history and bring it in. Best to have all information on file instead of none! At 10 weeks we can do a gender test as well as DNA test!" She handed Bulma 2 pieces of paper

"10 weeks? That early?" I asked

"We can tap Into the spine of the baby through mama's belly and take fluid out. It should tell us everything. Or you can wait until you are 16 weeks for the Gender test and then wait until the baby is born for a DNA test!" She smiled

"What's the difference?" I asked

"Your sister sure is on top of all this! Well it's a bit dangerous to do the spinal tap. It comes with risks. Here's a pamphlet about it. At 16 weeks we just do a normal ultrasound and when the baby is born we just prick their little finger and take some blood from the 2 men and within a week bam. Results!"

"She will be waiting until the baby is born"

The doctor looked to Bulma, who just nodded in agreement.

"Great! Now. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

Bulma shook her head no but I said yes.

The doctor pulled out a small device and turned it on. She placed some gel on Bulmas tummy and ran the wand over it

"Just listen" she said

Within a second we heard a small thump thump thump

"Bulma" I said as I began to tear up

I looked to her and she was already crying

"Heartbeat is 160. Too early to tell but higher that 150 means a girl. Says old wives tales" she chuckled

"Come back in 2 months for the next check up! Here's some reading about pregnancy and your body! Congratulations Bulma. You're gonna be a mom. And congratulations Y/n. You're gonna be an aunt!" Dr. Morris smiled at us as we left her office

When we got to the car I looked at her


"I'm hungry and tired. Please drive us to the nearest fast food place." She said as she slumped into the passenger seat

I giggled and did as told

I knew Bulma had mixed feelings about this but I was excited. Even if the baby was Vegetas it didn't matter to me. It was still Bulmas baby

*Your house*

I walked in my house and saw Goku and Vegeta waiting for me

"Hey guys" I said as I sat on the couch

They both stood in front of me

"Who's is it!" Vegeta yelled

"Okay first off chill the fuck out. Stop yelling at me" I said as I stood up

Vegeta growled at me. Honestly he was annoying but he was so sexy at the same time

"We can't tell yet. It's too early"

Vegeta scoffed and left the house

"He's just worried is all" Goku said as he sat down

I slumped down next to him

"I guess." I rested my head on Gokus shoulder

He reached up and gently stroked my cheek.

I sat up and looked around for Vegeta. He wasn't nearby so I looked to Goku and held his hand

"Ya know...The day I found him and Bulma..The day I found Trinity..I went to your house to tell you guys who I picked.."

Gokus eyes lite up and he waited for me to finish

"Do you want to know?" I looked down to his hand


"You" I slowly looked up to him

He had the widest smile on his face and pulled me in for a kiss

"I love you so much Y/n" he said

"What about Vegeta?" I asked

"We talked about it. If you picked me he said he would be okay"

"Good" I snuggled my head into his neck

I heard someone clear their throat behind us. I turned to see Vegeta

"Vegeta.." I started to say

"it's fine. Like Kakarot said. We spoke about it. I'm fine"

I sighed as he left the house. I felt bad but my heart belonged to Goku. He made me feel alive and free. I felt so happy around him. More than Vegeta. Goku always had my back. He was always loyal to me. And now he was officially mine.

Goku X Reader X Vegeta: My SaiyansWhere stories live. Discover now