What's that power?

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It's been about 4 years since Gohan was born. He was extremely strong, just like his father

Gohan and Goku were out training when I heard a knock on my door

I opened it to find a creature who looked like Frieza. I quickly slammed the door and held it shut


The door flew open and pushed me back into the wall. I fell to the floor and looked up to the creature

"The man who killed my brother. Where is he?" He growled

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said

He smirked and grabbed me up, pulling me close to him "I think you do"

*Gokus pov*

Gohan was surprisingly strong for his age. He and Trunks were only a few months apart in age, but in power they seemed years apart.

Gohan blasted me back into a rock

"Wow son! That was amazing!" I laughed as I got up

Suddenly he looked very upset

"Gohan what's wrong?" I asked him

"Mommy. Something is wrong with her"

I stood for a minute and felt for her energy. It was faint.

"Gohan. Do you feel that?" I asked him

"The other energy near mom's? Yeah.."

"What is that power?"

I grabbed Gohan and used my instant transmission to get home

Our door was broken down and the house was trashed

"Where's mommy?!" Gohan cried out

I looked for clues but couldn't find anything that could give me answers

"D-daddy.." I heard Gohan say

I walked over and found the shirt Y/n was wearing when we left the house. It was torn and covered in blood

"Son of a bitch!" I slammed my fist into the wall

I searched for her energy again but it was gone. I'm not sure if it was too faint to feel or if she was...dead

I grabbed Gohan and we transmitted to Vegetas house

"Vegeta!" I yelled out

"Kakarot" he walked outside

"Y/n is gone. Our house is trashed and Gohan found this" I held out the shirt

Bulma came running out and grabbed it "no!" She began to tear up

"Find her!!" She screamed at us

"We will" I said to her.

Vegeta, Trunks, and Gohan placed a hand on me and we went to Master Roshi's house

Krillin was there with Yamcha

Yamcha still seemed hurt by the fact that Trunks wasn't his but we didn't have time to deal with that nonsense

"Y/n is missing and I can't feel her energy. Before she went missing Gohan and I felt a powerful energy near hers" I said

Master Roshi nodded "I felt that energy too. I knew it was only a matter of time before you came here to gather the rest. I called for Tien and Piccolo earlier. They should be here soon"

Gohan pulled on my hand and I picked him up "yeah buddy?"

"I hope mommy is okay" he softly said

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