How Sorry Are You (Lemon)

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*Vegeta's pov*

I woke up in a sweat

"Woman! Water!" I snapped. I rolled over and remembered where I was.

I grunted and got out of bed, making my way to the steps.

I suddenly heard y/n giggle from downstairs

"What a beautiful sound" I momentarily thought

I slowly made my way to the edge of the top step to see what had her laughing so much. I almost fell over when I saw Kakarot on top of the girl

"Is he kissing her!?!?"

I watched as he kissed and teased her. She was begging for more. Hearing her voice in that state made my member instantly hard

"God I wish she was begging me like that"

I stayed still as he snaked his hands down her pants.

I bit my lip

"What the hell. I shouldn't be so turned on by this! I mean I understand it. Y/ns moans and groans are so fucking hot but it's because of Kakarot!!"

I slowly began rubbing myself as I watched Kakarot tear their clothes off in a fit of desire.


I moved my hand and quickly walked back into my room.

"That bastard!! This is what they were hiding?! They are fucking behind everyone's backs!!"

I sat up all night full of anger.

"Why did I care so much? Do I have feelings for y/n? A silly stupid human who can't control her hormones!!"

* The next day* *in Vegeta's pov*

I made my way downstairs to the 2 disgusting animals sitting at the table

"Good morning sleepy head!" Sang the beautiful woman

I didn't reply. I didn't even look at her. I just walked right past and out the door. I wasn't going to deal with them today.

I heard y/n run after me calling for me. I just flew away from her. I'm not sure if I would have yelled at her for what she did or kiss her to see what it felt like..

*Your pov*

Vegeta seemed extra mad today..I wonder if he heard us last night..I chased after him but he just flew away

I walked back inside to see Goku finishing his breakfast

"....I think Vegeta heard us.." I said quietly

Goku stopped his movement and watched me.

" know how I feel about and was supposed to be fun..that's all..but I don't know..I feel something..for you..but also for him.." I said as I looked towards the door.

Goku just sighed and walked out the door. Leaving me all alone with my thoughts.

*Gokus pov*

Y/n seems pretty upset that Vegeta just flew away from her. He doesn't deserve her. I don't see why she likes the jerk.

I flew off to find Vegeta and bring him back so we could talk like adults. He hid his energy so it's going to be pretty hard to track him down.

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