A Night Of Passion (Lemon)

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"Okay. I'm down for that"

"Great! And it looks like you're already ready" Goku said as he climbed on the bed towards me

I smiled and sat up meeting his half way. He kissed me and ran his fingers up my thigh

I pulled his shirt off as he kissed my neck

"Vegeta" I said as I motioned him to come join

He smirked and walked over to the bed. He pushed Goku away and kissed me deeply and roughly

I felt Gokus hand slowly make its way to my womanhood. He slowly rubbed my clit and himself as Vegeta tore off my shirt

He groped my breasts gently and placed my hand on his crotch

I undid his pants and reached in to find his erection waiting for me

He let out a soft moan once I touched it

Goku slowly slipped one finger inside of me and I bit my lip as I reached into his pants to stroke him as well.

They both moaned softly as I stroked them.

Goku pulled away and took his pants off. Vegeta followed

It was odd. Normally Vegeta was the aggressive one. But in the bedroom Goku turned into a completely different person.

He pulled me up and to the floor. He pushed me to my knees and smirked down at me.

I grabbed his cock and slowly licked the tip. I slowly placed my mouth over it as I reached over and stroked Vegetas cock.

I began to bob my head up and down as I stroked Vegeta faster. Both of them had their heads back and moaned loudly

I switched and slowly began to take Vegetas cock into my mouth while stroking Goku

Vegeta grabbed my head and thrusted in and out of my mouth

I felt him his the back of my throat a few times. Each time he did he would moan louder.

He threw me back to the floor and Goku picked me up and placed me on the bed with my as in the air

He placed his cock as my entrance and slowly rubbed it there. Teasing me

Vegeta pushed him away "I get to fuck her first"

Goku pushed back "no. I get to fuck her first!"

I turned around and smiled

"Boys. This is a threesome. No one goes first. You fuck me at the same time"

They both looked kinda shocked at what I just said but it quickly turned into a devilish smile on both of their faces.

Vegeta pulled me from the bed and to the floor. He had me get on all 4s and motioned for Goku to stand in front of me.

When he did Vegeta slowly slid his hard cock into my wet pussy. I opened my mouth to moan but before I could make a sound Gokus cock entered it.

Vegeta thrusted into me pushing me towards Goku. My mouth going deeper on his cock. Goku thrusted into me and pushed me back deeper onto Vegetas.

Eventually they got into a good rhythm of thrusting together in and out of me

It started off slowly but the pace quickly picked up as they felt more pleasure

Vegeta grabbed my hips and slammed into me, hitting my g-spot. Goku grabbed my head and pushed deep into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. 

I heard them both moan loudly

"See Vegeta. This WAS a good idea!" Goku moaned out

"S-shut up K-Kakarot" Vegeta replied

I was moaning and groaning but the noise was silenced by Gokus cock

"I-I'm gonna cum Y/n" Vegeta moaned

"Not yet!" Goku pulled out of my mouth and pushed Vegeta away from me

"KAKAROT" He yelled as he pushed back

I was gasping for air on the floor as they fought

"B-boys" I said as I cleaned the saliva from my mouth

"Stop" I stood up

"I want to try something else before you get off" Goku said to his Saiyan friend

Vegeta rolled his eyes and crossed his arms

Goku laid on the bed and pulled me on top of him. He kissed me with passion as he slowly set me down on his member. I moaned and dug my nails into his chest. He kissed my neck and slowly thrusted in and out of me.

I moaned his name as he wrapped his fingers around my throat. He slowly and gently squeezed it.

I bit my lip and groaned with pleasure as his thrusts got faster. I heard Vegeta sigh in the back. I pulled away from Gokus grip and looked back

"Is this what you want?" I leaned forward on Gokus chest and spread my ass cheeks

Vegetas face went red as he walked over to me and grabbed my ass.

He smirked and slowly placed his member at my entrance. He held his hand to my mouth and I spit in it. He rubbed the spit on my entrance to lubricate it up.

I buried my head into Gokus chest waiting for the pain.

As Vegeta slowly and gently entered me I gasped in pain. He stopped for a second but I nodded for him to continue.

He pushed himself into me fully and waited for my body to adjust. I slowly leaned back up and Goku kissed me and whispered "you're okay"

I nodded back at Vegeta and he slowly thrusted in and out of me. Goku did the same and I felt so much pleasure.

I've never felt pleasure like this. Both of my holes filled with huge cocks as the 2 men I loved held their bodies against mine.

They got faster and faster as I moaned out each of their names

"I'm gonna cum!" I screamed out in pleasure

Vegeta and Goku both moaned in pleasure as I felt them fill me with their cum. I moaned and came on Gokus cock and fell against his chest

Vegeta pulled out and slowly pulled me from Gokus lap

He laid me on the bed between the 2 of them and I sighed heavil

"I. Can't. Move" I said between breaths

Both the Saiyans laughed and kissed my cheeks.

We took turns showering and cleaning ourselves up

I made everyone dinner and we watched movies together

They both stayed over and slept in my bed with me.

Vegeta on my right and Goku on my left.

I honestly felt like I could live my life like this. Being with both of them. I know they wouldn't ever go for it and this was a one time thing but I could suggest it right?

I stopped thinking and held both of their hands as I drifted into sleep to the sound of their breathing

Goku X Reader X Vegeta: My SaiyansWhere stories live. Discover now